Promotional products must have gone the way of the dinosaur by now, surely? All those corporate stress balls and brochures have been thrown to the wayside in favour of digital marketing, blog posting, SEO, Twitter, Facebook and other such buzzwords which very few people in the heart of businesses really understand. Just because there are new forms of advertising to try out doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be using the existing and perhaps more importantly, proven methods which have been working for decades. So, without further ado, here’s why you can use promotional pens to help promote your business. Sharing items around When you take out an advertisement on the television or radio, it tends to be somewhat fleeting. That is, while millions might see the advert, unless there’s something particularly engaging or unique about your advert then they won’t be left with any lasting impressions. Promotional pens are made and designed to last. They get circulated around groups of people, which means that your business can gain traction in areas you’d not even considered previously. Daily reminders Items such as promotional pens and printed, branded diaries or USB sticks are often really useful. They’ll be cared around by your potential customer, and they might also lend them to people they’re working alongside, or leave them visibly on their desk. These subtly remind people about your brand is about, and what you do. Reward your clients with corporate gifts A high quality promotional pen makes an excellent gift to reward your best customers. It’s a great way of making sure people keep coming back, and feel like you appreciate them. It encourages loyalty, and they might even tell others how great your business is, there by doing your marketing for you. You can afford to spend a little bit more if you’re giving printed pens out as corporate gifts. Think of them as presents. It’s much cheaper to maintain existing client relationships and win longer contracts than it is to find new clients and build up new deals. Be savvy with your approach to marketing! Employee rewards Another way to use this kind of merchandise in a savvy way is to encourage and motivate your employees. You’re better having a small work force who work really hard for you and enjoy their work than having a large work force who just don’t care. Reward hard work and promote the brand as well.
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