A ladybug is a teeny tiny insect of barely 0.25 inch long. Though when studying about its anatomy, the entire body structure consists of 6 different parts, where each has some specific purpose to render. Starting, directly with a brief explanation to all the 6 parts these are the key bullet points of each one of them: 1. Elytra: This is the most evident top hard shell of the ladybug that we generally first at the first sight. Colorful in appearance they can be of any shade and pattern like red, blue, green, black, yellow etc. The elytra provides protection to the wings of the insect. 2. Wings These are highly thin, transparent wings located next to the elytra. Very fragile and easily jeopardized section of the entire anatomy. 3. Pronotum As we have skull to protect the human mind, similarly we have pronotum to protect the ladybug's little head. When foreseen some danger the ladybug is capable of retreating its head under this to protect it from any kind of injury. The various white spots seen on the surface represent the eyes that provide for all the vision it has. 4. Antenna The lady bug makes use of these small linear, straight pointed thingies on their head that act as the sensor to locate for food by following their aroma. They even taste it through them. 5. Legs Ladybugs have jointed legs in six, comprising of organs that can smell on their own. 6. Thorax and Abdomen This is the body section that attached the legs and the wings and contains all the primary organs needed for most crucial functions such as reproductive system, digestive system etc. All in all, each part of the body, no matter how compact its size is has an important role to play in the overall functioning of the insect's body. Dragon Fly Clip Art This is a section that might force you to take a trip to your toddling days. Where you used to keep drawing the dragon flies in your art exam repeatedly no matter what the setting of the scenery might be. You were small but then to the idea of having these little creatures in the nature's setting seemed more like mandatory to bring out the beauty of the entire sketch. Constantly amazed by the various dragon fly in your own garden area, which never seemed to get tired of taking the "n" number of rounds, hovering above you, gave birth to the most common obsession of all kids. Dragon fly clip arts came into being since then, and have readily caught up with the clip art fever in and among kids. Forget kids, it's used by various magazines and top rated newspaper to decorate their additional kids section, bringing in the cute factor in abundance. Making them is as easy as it used to be a decade ago. Draw out a round tiny head with the pencil, two linear concave structures to represent its abdomen and stretched wings and the very own dragon fly is ready to fill in the empty places of your page. Use all the colors to make it bright and colorful, else use the plethora of options from the clip arts you are designing your kids presentation. Resource box All the information of ladybug parts anatomy diagram , and dragon clip art - -http://www.dragonfly-site.com/free-dragonfly-clip-art.html - has been taken from internet, and they are true in knowledge.
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