At the moment everything is inverted: We-the-people have the least say and are at the lowest level of the hierarchical tree of control over the planet. Those at the top, the elite corporate/banker owners continue to rule us by deception, unfairness and greed... They are in effect a law unto themselves. They use their puppet politicians to advance their agendas which don't have your best interest at heart. As long as we-the-people fail to see the above big picture, continue our ignorance, apathy, lack of integrity we will not only remain victims but things will get worse. Having said that, it doesn't have to be this way. The inversion, where we-the-people go from the bottom to the top of the hierarchical tree and take back our rightful control is possible. This has to happen or the human race and its planet Earth will eventually go under. Have you any children? Is this what you want for them and their children to be..? The key to stopping this and creating that inversion where we-the-people get back our rightful sovereignty begins with 1.Getting the word out. Letting people know about the ruling elite and their global take-over agenda deceptions... 2.Doing one's inner work by thoughts, meditations, and prayers... the laws of attraction do work: Intentions, thoughts, feelings, emotions... the reality surrounding you 'out there' is created by what goes on with you 'in there.' 3. Finally do the above 2 peacefully. Build the Road to a New Paradigm Experience If after having achieved something extraordinary together: Got active and created effective solutions, overcame the evil dark cabal and took back our rightful ownership of this planet, we-the-people must then focus on building a road to take us to a new paradigm experience, a world that makes a difference for everyone, where we will be living in abundance and freedom. -I will be writing a lot about this stage in later. However, in the meantime, I will take a broad view by stating that it takes three vital things for a society to work. A society must have. 1. Self-sufficiency 2. Unity and 3. Discernment; the ability to recognise friend from foe…this will be as important as the other two when we transform and take on a wider perspective. On a more personal level we must continue to no longer live as 'victims' or be in a state of 'victim consciousness'. It must also be remembered that truth, honesty and integrity is the mortar that holds together life workability. -These are necessary ingredients for The Greater Way and a New Paradigm Experience. This concludes my article, pleading you to see a greater way, join me and be part of the team of co-creators birthing a new paradigm experience. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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