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What Is It That Makes Things Real For Us? by Paul Philips

What Is It That Makes Things Real For Us? by
Article Posted: 05/03/2014
Article Views: 184
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What Is It That Makes Things Real For Us?

After looking at some of my previous articles some may be thinking on the lines of: Can a handful of elite individuals really have such a global influence? Can their dastardly, covert profiteering operations really pull the wool over peoples' eyes to the extent of world domination?

-To answer, I suggest it works like this:

Ask yourself, what is it that makes things real?

Go on, please stay with me and take some time out on this question.

To help answer, you may want to consider this. What is the nature of reality?

How do you know that the things believed to be true are real?

For that matter, what is truth..?

You may have come up with a range of things I haven't thought of, but let me answer in my own way, keeping it simple for the sake of making some valuable points. The following makes things real for all of us.

1. Things have wave, shape and form

You know that the things surrounding you are real because they impinge on your senses: You believe it because you can see it with your own two eyes… etc. This is so, but it's the other following view points defining reality that are the most interesting, and knowing them and how they work could not only change your reality but also transform your life if the principles are applied:

2. We accept the word of authorities.

This, I'm sure you'll agree is deep-seated imprinting, since it can be traced back to our earliest childhood memories of authoritative figures: When it came to understanding the world about us, we learnt so much from our parents and we accepted what they said was true. The same happened at school. As you know, teachers were authorities and basically what they said was considered by us to be true. Later on, having been well grooved in to this form of mindset, as adults we've normally accepted the word of experts, people in their fields of expertise telling us what we believed to be truthful information.

-In short, parents, teachers and experts gave us information. As authority figures we trusted them and believed that information to be true and therefore we decided it was real.

3. We accept the consensus of the masses.

You've looked around you and seen so many people having the same opinion about something. So you think, they can't all be wrong, so therefore you believe them and it must be true and therefore that's what's really happening in the world. Also, peer pressure, to be like, think like and act like the crowd is another factor that must not be forgotten…

Furthering this, take a look at some of the following sayings or statements made quite frequently by many people about life. They are accepted and considered to be true because of the influence of the 'consensus of the masses'.

1. 'Hard work has never hurt anyone.'

-Au contraire! History has shown us that hard work has hurt or even killed many people…

2. 'Life begins at forty.'

-It does, but what makes it such an unacceptable statement in my view is that life begins at any age. In other words, regardless of your age, it's up to you to begin to make things happen in your life at anytime. Your life is in a continual state of birth: everyday is a birth-day!

-To recap, these are the things that spell reality for us by way of:

1. Things have wave, shape and form

2. We accept the word of authorities

3. We accept the consensus of the masses

Hey, wait a minute!!

I'm all right with 1, but don't you think there are flaws in 2 and 3, I hear you say?

Yes, there are, but this is the way things can go with people when looking at their existence. For the purpose of this message, I'm not that interested in 1. It's 2 and 3 I'm concerned with and I will use them to show you how they fit with peoples' 'reality'.

For example, children believe in Father Christmas. He is very much a real person to them because of 2; parents, the trusted authority figures said he existed and 3, the children saw other children (consensus of the masses) believing in him. Therefore, as far as they are concerned he exists.

Another example by the same means (2 and 3) is how people once thought he Earth was flat. As you can imagine, it was very much 'real' for them at the time.

Staying on this, in the 17th century, it was observed that maggots would form and later develop into flies. The term spontaneous generation was used. It was thought that life forms would mysteriously appear from non-living matter! What they didn't realise was that flies would buzz around areas where, for example, stale food was present and lay their eggs. These too small to be seen eggs would develop into maggots and later, flies, and there you have the real explanation!

History has shown that individuals who had been entrusted with positions of political power later turned out to be corrupt and evil. This shocked many people, most of all those who had voted for them. Their evil goings on had been well kept away from public. Some of their right hand men or highest elite co-conspirators had been successfully paid off to keep quiet, as well as having had their fair share of brainwashing, duped into thinking the political movement was for the good. The press had also been well paid off too, spinning their propaganda machines. However, what had really kept their crimes from being undetected for so long was the fact that the people at large didn't think the unthinkable: that the authoritative figures could actually be corrupt. That their information given out was false or misleading designed to have a maximum hold over the masses. Power, profit, ego, domination…had been their motives.

But eventually, someone did think the unthinkable. No doubt, this had rocked the reality boat of at least some of the ignorant masses, deaf, dumb and blind to anything going on. It might have started with one individual who passed his ideas onto another or many at the same time. It didn't really matter. As long as a continually growing number of people stopped being like the ignorant masses with their half-wit, quarter-wit, and moron-like behaviour associated with 2 and 3, like football hooligans and the flat Earth gang, and sooner or later changed and got the profound realisation that something was not right then took action, that was enough to eventually bring those corrupt politicians down.

-However, in the meantime, using 2 and 3, this is how the elite hidden controllers still continue to covertly operate today and manipulate our reality, with their senior politicians and paid off press to advance their world global domination agenda.

From imprisonment to freedom

However, these are enlightening times. Many people growing in numbers are starting to see the real world: The real goings on behind the theatre of illusion related to the above.

Keep looking at things with an open and enquiring mind. Don't be fooled by the deceitful authority figures or the nonsense believed by the 'consensus of the masses.' See it as an opportunity for doing something to make changes. And, like I have said in previous messages, see it as a way of educating others, let them in on your revelations. Continue to spread the word and put out your intentions to bring about a new paradigm experience where freedom rules!

If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:

Related Articles - Spiritual, spiritual journey, spirituality, new world order, Illuminati, self-improvement, Lucifer, Rockefeller, Rothschild, agenda 21,

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