It could well be appropriate to use the saying "fact is stranger than fiction" when it comes to the latest developments reported on the disappearance of Malaysian flight MH-370. In a previous article echoing the sentiment of other alternative news sources I stated that the official story for the plane's disappearance did not add up for several reasons: 1. The stated Indian Ocean crash would have left a large easily detectable trail of floating debris... 2. The flight had been detected for at least 4 and up to 7 hours before its signal was lost, which indicated it may well have travelled much further than the Indian Ocean and... 3. No witnesses or dead bodies were found to tie the official story in that it had crashed in the Indian Ocean. -I concluded with the suggestion that all this suggests a blatant cover-up... Now the latest story going 'round is even more bizarre. Out of the 239 passengers on board the flight, 20 were working for a semiconductor company called Freescale. The 20 Freescale employees were on their way to a conference in China. Of the employees, 4 were senior level engineers and owned 20% each of shares tied to patent ownerships (as documented by reporter Shepard Ambellas). While these 4 engineers together therefore owned a total of 80% in Freescale, the remaining 20% of the patents shares worth billions in total were owned by the company. However, it has been established that the Carlyle group had bought up Freescale some 8 years ago. It has been said that the Carlyle group has a shady history. During 2001 just after 9/11, it was revealed that the Bin-Laden family had invested many billions into the company and were doing business with the Bush family... Post 9/11, members of the Bin-Laden family after they had fulfilled the conditions, that being 'to invest more money in the Carlyle group,' were allowed to sneakily fly out of the USA unchecked... It has been stated that what had convinced the Bin-Ladens to invest more in the Carlyle group was the promise by George Bush senior, chief advisor at the time, that the company's defence industry profits would be about to increase dramatically post 9/11 and indeed they did. -Other said controversies continued to follow... effectively allowing people in high places to become a law unto themselves... Now, incredible as this is about to sound, this is where the Carlyle group find their way into the circumstances surrounding the vanishing Malaysia airlines flight MH-370. The above mentioned patients were filed 4 days after the flight vanished and because the 4 engineers, 80% owners of the patents, are now considered dead, total ownership now goes to Freescale, which, remember, is owned by the Carlyle Group! As told by whistleblower Edward Snowden, surveillance is rife throughout the world and the Carlyle Group has massive ownership and control in this sector too. Could the group have had a hand in the lapse or lack of surveillance in the vanishing flight MH-370 so they could profiteer from the deaths of those 4 engineers..? Bizarre as this story sounds, some think this might be a plausible explanation for the cover up that I mentioned above with my 3 points. If you liked reading this article then go to for more related articles including a free download PDF. NewParadigm is a portal to transformation, consciousness, spirituality, mind, body, health, alternative media and much more... Hosted by Paul A Philips. Once again the link is:
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Alternative news, flight MH370, Malaysia flight MH-370, Carlyle Group, George Bush, George W Bush, Bin Laden, Freescale, flight 370, Edward Snowden,