How Do They Work? They have often been referred to as the building blocks of life. Naturally, they are responsible for many of the functions within the human body, especially within our digestive system. These acids are essential for human health, development, and overall well-being. But how exactly do they work? Before we understand how they work, we must come to understand what they are made of. What Are They? They are organic chemical compounds composed of both amine and carboxylic acid functional groups. They are produced by all living organisms and are a biologically important component of every living thing on earth. Their biggest and most important function is as the structural units of proteins. These chemical compounds are referred to as amino acids because they each contain at least one amino group (this means either one atom of nitrogen or two atoms of hydrogen chemically bonded together). Why Are they Important? We've already discussed the role that they play in creating proteins. Amino acids are important because proteins are so incredibly important. When proteins are broken down during digestion they are broken down into their basic amino acids, these acids are then used for a variety of significant functions within the human body. What Do They Do? Within the human body they produce enzymes, tissues, hormones, and other vital substances which are essential to one's health and wellness. Some of them are naturally occurring and can be produced within the human body. They can also be introduced to our system through food. Diets high in protein are also high in these necessary amino acids. When protein rich foods are consumed, the body is being treated to a buffet of the little building blocks it needs to keep up regular, healthy maintenance. Scientific/Medical Components These acids exist in chains that consist of different amino acid molecules chemically linked together. Shorter chains are referred to as peptides while long chains are called polypeptides. They can also occur in singles or attach to other organic molecules like carbohydrates. A completely pure amino acid is a colorless crystal that is water-soluble. The body uses carbs for energy. Both peptides and polypeptides are important for building different tissues throughout the body as well as maintaining various bodily functions. As you can see, amino acids play a major role in human health and development. It is important to make sure your body receives the right amount of these acids in order to stay healthy. Because humans are only capable of producing some of the essential amino acids naturally, we have to supplement many of them through our diet. This can be done by eating meats such as chicken, fish, or pork, dark green veggies such as broccoli and spinach, and other food such as eggs, nuts, and cheese. To learn more about amino acids Click Here Edward Rosenberg is a professional health and nutrition expert. He has studied and researched dozens of products over the past 4 years. For complete in-depth research about amino acids Click Here
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