Through the years, the printing industry has evolved significantly. From the manual or ordinary printing presses, the digital age has changed the way people utilize and produce print materials nowadays. Today, we now have digital printing, which is becoming more and more common across the globe. This new and modern way of printing made our lives easier and more convenient, especially to companies and entities that need their materials printed. Two of the most common methods of doing this include the use of laser and ink-jet. In order to distinguish it from the old offset printing method, you need to understand the following aspects. What does the process involve? In spotting the difference of digital printing in Canada from the traditional methods like lithography, as well as letterpress and even gravure, understanding the process is essential. In digital printing, there is no more need to replace plates, unlike in analog printing. In this regard, the process could be faster since the time that is commonly being consumed by replacing different plates has been eliminated already. For inkjet and laser printing, the process involves depositing pigment to various substrates like paper, canvas, metal and other substances. The setback of this process is that some fine-image details could be lost. What are its applications? Secondly, it is also worth knowing the various applications of digital printing in Canada so that we can differentiate it from the traditional method. One of the most common examples of these includes desktop publishing, which refers to inexpensive home or office printing. This is possible because the digital processes are able to bypass the necessity for plates replacements. Aside from that, it is also being applied in variable data printing, fine art, print on demand, as well as advertising and even in photos. Variable data printing, for example, utilizes a database-driven kind of print files for massive personalization of the materials that will be printed. What are its advantages? Thirdly, but never the least, the advantages of this method are the reasons why lots of users shifted from the old or traditional ways. Among the most obvious would be because of short run printing services that this offers. This refers to the print run that will only require around 500 copies or even less. This makes the entire printing project more affordable, most especially for small and medium enterprises. Hence, they do not need to order thousands of copies just because it is the minimum order requirement even though that they are not going to use them all. Author Bio: Mike Simmons is a professional author, lives in Surrey, Canada. He loves to share his idea and knowledge to make people aware about short run printing services. In order to avail these Services visit
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