The Newport City Renaissance Corporation has been designated as anaccredited National Main Street Program for meeting the commercialdistrict revitalization performance standards set by the NationalTrust Main Street Center . Each year, the National Trust and its partners announce the list ofaccredited Main Street programs that have built strongrevitalization organizations and demonstrate their ability in usingthe Main Street Four-Point Approach methodology forstrengthening their local economy and protecting their historicbuildings. We congratulate this year s nationally accredited MainStreet programs for meeting our established performancestandards, says Doug Loescher, director of the National TrustMain Street Center. Accredited Main Street programs are meetingthe challenges of the recession head on and are successfully usinga focused, comprehensive revitalization strategy to keep theircommunities vibrant and sustainable. The organization s performance is annually evaluated bythe Vermont Department of Economic, Housing and Community Affairswhich works in partnership with the National Trust Main StreetCenter to identify the local programs that meet 10 performancestandards. These standards set the benchmarks for measuring an individual MainStreet program s application of the Main Street Four-PointApproach to commercial district revitalization. Evaluation criteria determines the communities that are buildingcomprehensive and sustainable revitalization efforts and includestandards such as developing a mission, fostering strongpublic-private partnerships, securing an operating budget, trackingeconomic progress, and preserving historic buildings. For more information on the national program accreditation program,visit main-street/about-main-street/the-programs/national-programs.html . This is the second year in a row that Newport VT has receivednational accreditation. This year, Newport is one of only six ofthe 2 Vermont Designated Downtowns to receive this nationalrecognition. Newport received designation as a Main StreetCity in 2007 and so began the process of downtown revitalization.Newport City Renaissance Corporation (NCRC) serves as a catalystfor transforming Newport s community and economic development. TheNCRC does this by advancing and enhancing the economic environment,development of a cohesive and welcoming City design and promotingNewport as a destination for tourism and business investment.Newport may have been the last of 23 Vermont Downtowns to receiveits Vermont Downtown designation, however, since 2009 it has beenfirst in the state to receive a grant from American Institute ofArchitects (AIA) for a Regional/Urban Design Assistance Team(R/UDAT) and first in the state to adopt form-based code promotingsmart development downtown. The National Trust for Historic Preservation, a privatelyfunded nonprofit organization, works to save America s historicplaces to enrich ourfuture. . Read business-opportunities/newports-competitive-edge. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as Slotting machinery Manufacturer , Folder Gluer , Semi Automatic Machines,and more.
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