In recent years , household appliances , vehicles , etc., to meet the environmental protection in the tide , have introduced a variety of "TM " campaign , and now the building materials market also whipped up a "TM" boom, all kinds of furniture in trade , and even the flooring industry also started this activity . Eco-friendly outdoor deck Second generation old floor decoration As people improve the quality of life , the original decor has been unable to keep up with the lifestyle of the owners , the owners of the second decoration is increasing , in the process , how to deal replaced the old floor has become a new problem. Willingness to participate in the floor for trade activities , the owners have mixed attitudes . Currently flooring industry trade businesses to test the water is almost only a handful of consumer activity from their own interests weigh price, then wait and see attitude on the floor merchants who are also the victims do ? Exterior decking non-fading Old floor is not high recycling value In an interview with a certain brand of flooring companies Xiao Bian said in an interview , before the vast majority of activities in the old floor can not be recovered for re-use , " the owners of the material for the floor no professional knowledge , we recycle to the quality of the floor is uneven , in addition to some high ground plate , the ordinary flooring and laminate flooring recycling value is not high, in order not to blow the active participation of the owners , all the old floor we have received , but in the end how treatment can no longer use the old floor became our problem . " "A lot of recycled old floor is useless , trade is difficult at the operational level is feasible that such activities are only a promotional tool only, if there is enough business profit margins , then we can try to operate , but I believe that most do not enough profit to support pure online retailers will not choose such activities . " industry experts also gave their views. TM to stimulate consumption Beijing Market Association Home Branch Secretary-General Liu Chen said that the flooring trade will again stimulate consumption , in order to create a reason for the consumer out of the old building . Because building materials trade to help consumers achieve environmental protection, energy relatively poor replacement of the old building , but also for the environment and conserving natural resources to make new contributions . reconstituted timber decking singapore
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