The piano is a musical instrument known for its beautiful sound and the difficulty to setup. A full size piano has 88 keys. However, there are smaller keyboards with 64 or less keys but a standard one has 88 keys. Most people tend to mistake this hardship to setup, for playing difficulty. Actually, learning to play the piano is much easier than you think. All that is required is the motivation and the need to learn something new and entertaining. Some people assume that their fingers will know which keys to press, without any effort. This is the exact opposite of reality. One needs to practice after learning the basics, theoretically. Once you have learned using -A,B,C,D,E,F,G- which are the basic chords, moving on to the rest is much easier. Getting past the basics is the path to success in piano playing. The fingers will toughen up - more like a guitarists'. The starting point of a great musician is defined by the willingness to take time. Practicing repeatedly gets the hands used to holding the chords and the player can clearly identify with each note being played. Hand positioning is very important. A rule of the thumb for pianists, and aspiring ones, is to keep their nails trimmed. It's really hard to make out a note if all you hear are nails clicking. Some important aspects on posture are: > Sitting centrally to the piano; > Ensure a straight, upright and relaxed back; > Avoid a stiff neck; > Stretch your arms so that the elbows are at the height of the keyboard; > Arch the fingers and lastly the feet must be close to the pedals. The biggest challenge when searching for piano lessons online are the scams. After a thorough research on the quality of the author's music expertise, intent of the website and the technology used, the best piano lesson websites include: Zebra keys-their lessons are cleanly outlined and professionally written to ease the difficulty for beginners. Once the student has made some progress, this website offers Z-Board V 1.0, with chords and notes displayed on it. While these features make it easier for the person learning to play the piano, their list of trainer tools makes it the best site offering piano lessons. PianoNanny- This site offers expert piano lessons absolutely free. Reading through the detailed lessons makes you feel like you are listening to a professional piano teacher. Plern Piano- Its one of the most addictive piano playing tools online. Allows music students to import files to learn how to play the piano. Plern scrolls across the sheet providing a graphical representation of which keys to press. With all these resources, it is easier to learn anything about pianos online. It is useful for those who want to play for fun. However, this is not as effective as a live piano tutor. It's your responsibility to ensure you like your choice of a piano teacher and get along with them. The choice depends on whether you need a basic beginner keyboard, mid budget one or a pro level digital piano. For beginners consider Yamaha P105. For those willing to invest in a piano, a Yamaha YDP-V240 or Roland RD-300NX will serve the purpose. Whichever piano you choose, the sound of the keys, once you learn the basics, will encourage you to go all the way in learning to play the piano proficiently. Find out more about playing the piano, read top reviews of the best digital pianos on the market and find the best deals.
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