BOSTON – A report released Wednesday from Boston ConsultingGroup shows the United States trailing behind eight countries withregards to value-based care adoption, suggesting criticism of theU.S. healthcare system may be merited. The Boston Consulting Group (BCG) study examined the progress of 12industrialized countries in adopting value-based healthcare –an approach experts say would improve health outcomes while alsoreducing the industry"s expenditures. The report, title, "Progress Toward Value-Based Health Care:Lessons from 12 Countries," evaluates national health systemsalong two dimensions. The first is the degree to which key supports of value-basedhealthcare are in place at the national level – for example,common national standards and IT infrastructure, national legal andconsent frameworks, the ability to link health outcomes with costsand high engagement on the part of clinicians and policymakers. [See also: Value-based purchasing elicits favor, concern among healthcareexecs .] The second is the quality of a country"s existing diseaseregistries – institutions that track selected health outcomesin a population of patients with the same diagnosis or who haveundergone the same medical procedure – both in terms of therichness of the data and the sophistication of the medicalcommunity"s use of the data. "When it comes to implementing value-based healthcare, Swedenis the most advanced country of the 12 we studied, followed bySingapore, Canada and the U.K.," said Neil Soderlund, a BCGpartner and coauthor of the report. "By contrast, Germany andHungary have the furthest to go." The U.S. health system, which has the highest per capita costs ofthe 12 nations studied and spends 17.6 percent of GDP on healthcare, is also one of the laggards in the group. Some experts say the fragmented nature of the U.S. healthcaresystem has limited the collection and use of nationalhealth-outcome data. "Reporting standards and clinicaloutcome metrics differ substantially across the system, even withinthe same specialty," said Peter Lawyer, a BCG senior partnerand coauthor of the report. "There currently exists nonational mechanism for compelling providers to report outcomes todisease registries. Nor is there a unique patient identifier inplace that would enable research to combine data across differentdisease states to examine the effect of complexcomorbidities." "We learned that a number of countries have begun to buildthe infrastructure and processes to support a value-based approach,but some are significantly farther along the learning curve thanothers," said Stefan Larsson, MD, a BCG senior partner andcoauthor of the report. The challenge for U.S. healthcare executives and regulators is howto close the gap with the rest of the world. "Notwithstandingthe politics of health care reform, reimbursement is moving from avolume basis to outcomes," noted Martin B. Silverstein, MD, asenior partner and former global leader of BCG"s Health Carepractice. [See also: Healthcare and the election .] For more widespread and systematic use of disease registries totake hold, key stakeholders will need to champion them, he added."National medical societies, in particular, have a leadershiprole to play," said Silverstein, "both in creatinguniform standards for data collection and in securing broad supportand participation of practicing clinicians." The federal government can also support registries, he said,"by creating a legislative and regulatory framework thatfacilitates their establishment and by providing seed funding toget them up and running.". I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as PPGI Coil , Pre Painted Steel Manufacturer, Pre Painted Steel,and more.
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