Certainly, back pain is among the most common complaints in America. The pain may range from moderate to severe. If you are among those suffering from this pain, you will definitely want to try anything possible to make it go away. An excellent idea you may not have thought of before is yoga retreats. Medical experts agree that certain yoga poses do ease back pain. Here are some of the top yoga poses that you will find relieving the next time you are in a yoga center: Child's pose - This is the most basic pose in any form of yoga, yet goes a long way in easing your back pain. To get to this pose, get into plank position then slowly go back until your chest is on top of your lap. Stay there for a few minutes. To feel even better, try the pose with the knees open but bring them together at the end. Breathe slowly as you go into these pose. Fists forward bend - To get into this position, you need to stand on your yoga mat with your feet hip distance apart. Release the torso over your head as you bend the knees until your thighs are touching with your belly. Make two fists then place them on each elbow. Keep your head, neck and back relaxed. Take 10 breathes before releasing. Back traction pose - For this move, you will require a yoga block. Lie on your back with your knees bent and the feet under them. Lift your hips from the ground and place your yoga block at the center of the hips. Once your hips are on the block, walk the feet wide and then knock the knees inwards for a minute. Wall plank - This is among the easiest moves to do. Just stand near your wall and from your shoulders reach forward then plant your palms on the wall. Your fingers should be wide and the middle one should be pointing direct to the ceiling. Slowly walk the legs back until you come to an L position. Pigeon pose - This is a little complicated but you can do it. Bring your knee behind your right twist from down. Stretch your left leg out behind you while your knee is on top of your foot facing your floor. Downward-facing dog - If you learn to do this pose correctly, it can be a miracle to your back pain. Start in plank position then lift your arms and hips up until you can do an inverted V-shape position. Stay here for a few minutes. To know more about Yoga Retreat Ashtanga and Siddhi Yoga Academy, please visit our website.
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