Have you ever thought of becoming an ordained priest? Many people think about it, but the calling is for only a select few. The decision to pursue the profession of being a priest can be made only after lots of consideration and prayer. But if you feel called, you may wonder how exactly you pursue this important mission. Rhenne Cervantes, an ordained priest currently living in Mandeville, Louisiana, would like to help you find your way. Rhenne Cervantes became an ordained Catholic priest on May 30, 1992. He graduated from Notre Dame Seminary with a Masters of Divinity earlier that year. Since his ordination, Rhenne Cervantes has held various roles inside and outside of the church. From 1992-2006, Rhenne Cervantes was the Archdiocese of New Orleans, a highly authoritative and respected position. Also during that time, from 1999-2001, Rhenne Cervantes was a part of the Priest Council of New Orleans. What follows are some basic steps you will need to complete in order to become an ordained priest. (1) Check the Requirements Rhenne Cervantes wants you to know that there are a few basic requirements when it comes to priesthood. You must be both a male, and unmarried. In fact, almost every diocese will require that you have never been married at all. It is also a requirement that you be an active part of your Catholic church. Rhenne Cervantes points out that you must be in good standing with your local parish. (2) Spend Time Thinking about your Decision Priesthood is definitely not for everyone, so careful consideration to whether you are making the right decision is important. Rhenne Cervantes spent hours in prayer and contemplation before pursuing priesthood. He suggests that you take time to evaluate your motives and heart before doing the same. (3) Get Educated While becoming a priest is a calling from God, a formal education is needed. This is the time when you truly refine your spiritual tastes and discover your priestly abilities. You must have both a four year college degree and a seminary degree. Rhenne Cervantes suggests getting involved in a campus ministry during your undergraduate education. (4) Complete an Appointment After graduating from seminary, Rhenne Cervantes says you will have to complete a six month appointment to get your feet wet, so to speak. (5) Become Ordained The fifth and final step is the easiest of all. As long as you are in good standing, Rhenne Cervantes says a bishop will ordain you to be a priest. http://www.wikihow.com/Become-a-Catholic-Priest http://www.catholicpriesthood.com/index.php?view=items&cid=2%3Abecoming-a-priest&id=9%3Ahow-long-does-it-take-to-become-a-priest-can-you-study-part-time&option=com_quickfaq&Itemid=38
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