I have a friend who had a hard time when undergoing dental treatment for misaligned teeth. She is a working professional and has to deal with clients giving presentations. So, being presentable automatically becomes a part of her job. She is of the opinion that looking good involves not only a flawless skin but also a pleasant smile. While I do not agree with her former argument related to the skin but I do believe that smile plays an important part in enhancing the beauty. She used to suffer from mild case of malocclusion. So, she never gave it much emphasis. However, after joining the cut-throat world of advertising, she was forced to give her teeth a look. After a careful self-observation, she realised that indeed the slight crowding of teeth was affecting her smile. She went to her dentist who in turn recommended her to wear braces. Since she has to work, it was decided that clear braces should be used. Now, one may ask what exactly clear braces are. I too was curious when she told me about them. However, once she started wearing them, things became clearer. These are like traditional metal braces but are made of materials that vary in colour. The change in colour is to match the natural colour of the patients' teeth. Some of them can be altogether translucent so that they are less noticeable then traditional ones. They are made of ceramics and thus I had to go closer and concentrate more than usual to notice that she was actually wearing braces. This worked well for the first few weeks and then... But here comes the sad part, my friend, Anna, cannot live without coffee and cola drinks and candies too. While a low dose of these eatables won't hurt you but what if you are addicted to them? Well Anna is kind of and this proved to be bad for her braces. After three weeks, the braces were stained badly and became easily noticeable. The only reason that Anna had opted for clear braces was their invisibility factor which now became null and void. The same problem I found in some of my Indian friends whose ceramic braces got stained by spices in food. Anna could have continued with them if it wasn't for her work. Eventually, it was decided that she must get new braces. However, it was hard for her to rein in her food habits. So the dentist came up with new idea of ClearPath’s clear aligners and believe me it was the happiest that I had seen Anna in a month since her clear braces were stained. ClearPath clear aligners are transparent plastic trays which are worn over teeth and just like braces, these push the misaligned teeth into their ideal positions without creating much fuss. What more, she can take them out while eating, drinking and cleaning teeth and the fact that they are virtually invisible came as a boon for her. The entire process of treatment involves minimal visits and she had to visit her dentist very occasionally. This was only after wearing those medical grade plastic trays that her dentist told are the popular options all over the world these days.
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Clear, braces,