Throughout his career, Michael Mitrow has faced the difficult dilemma that many businessmen and women face: How to balance work with family life. Indeed, throughout his career, Michael Mitrow has experienced incredible demands from his work life no matter who the employers. During his time with the advertising and marketing agency, which he helped found, to his current position as a management director at Metler Enterprises, LLC, Michael Mitrow has had many responsibilities to balance. Despite career challenges and an overwhelming schedule, Michael Mitrow has consistently been a role model and father figure for his children. He’s supported their academic and athletic endeavors. In fact, he’s supported their sporting events so much that the local schools and AAU sports programs have recognized Michael Mitrow as one of their official photographers. Parents have even asked Michael Mitrow for copies of his pictures. Michael Mitrow realizes, however, that his ability to stay involved in both his work life and familial life is extremely rare. Most businessmen struggle with giving their families enough time – and when they do come home, they’re tired from a long day in the office. Life Balancing Tips from Michael Mitrow To help his colleagues better balance their schedules, Michael Mitrow has proposed three tips that businessmen implement to keep a balanced life. - Drop unneeded activities. Since businessmen have so many demands in the workplace and at home, Michael Mitrow suggests that they drop activities that needlessly drain time and energy. Activities such as surfing the web and social media, for instance, should be minimized so that the energy can be spent elsewhere.
- Schedule downtime. Michael Mitrow argues that too many businessmen regimentally schedule their business days but don’t do the same for downtime or family time. “If you struggle with balancing your life, then simply schedule spending time with your family or relaxation time into your life,” says Michael Mitrow. “If we can schedule a business meeting, why not a sporting event or movie?” Indeed, Michael Mitrow’s schedule is filled with his children’s sporting events so that he can cheer them on.
- Get moving. Whether it’s spending time with his children or opting to take the stairs instead of the elevator, Michael Mitrow has noticed that increased physical activity has boosted his energy – and boosted energy helps create a more balanced life.
Michael Mitrow has been using these tips throughout his career to ensure that his family was never left out because of his professional success. Indeed, being both one of the co-founders of an advertising and marketing agency, and the management directly at Metler Enterprises, Michael Mitrow has had endless responsibilities pulling at his schedule. Despite these time commitments, however, Michael Mitrow has always been dedicated to his family and hopes that other businessmen will make that a priority as well.
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