Egypt is a country which deserves to be seen and explored in all its capacity. Tourists of all age-groups can run down to this destination and witness a world which is largely different from what they are used to back home. It is said by most that Egypt trips can fill your senses with a feel of contentment. Perhaps, after exploring this country, you may not like to seek any other pasture. After all, this nation of Nile is the greenest of them all. The river Nile is beautiful inside and outside. While its serpentine length draws admiration and eyeballs from all gazers, its shores are lined up by heaps of attractions. Most of the pyramids which are present in the country are stationed on the borderline of the Nile. Egypt trip is mainly planned for the pyramids. We have a strange fascination towards these monumental structures which were erected during the era dating back to 2000 BC. So it is no surprise that the throngs of tourists which assemble at places like Giza are left awe-struck and literally hypnotized. The country is blessed with a plethora of pyramids. In total, Egypt has around 80 of them and they differ in sizes and date of origin. Giza, by common admission, is the most popular spot for going on a pyramid trail since the place has a number of these daunting landmarks lined up side by side and is also home to the iconic Great Pyramid which is the tallest of them all. Egypt travel to Giza will also bring you in close proximity to the Sphinx. It is another unique structure which never fails to entice. It is a historic structure which depicts a figure made of half-human and half-lion. Apart from its anatomical wonder, it is also noted for the accidental disproportion in its geometry. A huge chunk of its nose has fallen off and has got swallowed by the tides of time. It is uncertain as to when and where did it go, but tales are rife that the nose got chopped off in gun-firing during the invasion of Napoleon. During Egypt trips, one can have a diverse range of activities to look forward to. Yes, indeed, the pyramids form the focal attraction and are the unmatched wonders of the world. But beyond the pyramids, the country has other aces up its sleeves. Cairo, the capital city, has some of the best museums and markets in the country. Even cities like Aswan and Luxor are known for their disparate attractions. Egypt trip, stretched over 7-10 days, can be intensely fulfilling. The sight of the giant landmarks and the presence of the historic Nile can be quite soothing. The journey, overall, will offer a cathartic experience. Destinations like Sharm el Sheikh bring a variety by offering tropical beaches for the city-wearied souls. So, Egypt travel is a lot more than what you read on papers and blogs. It is a versatile destination where you can ride the camel over a desert and even plunge into the depths of the ocean for a snorkeling session. About the Author- This Article is written by Mrs Jenny Morag on behalf of, ask-aladdin this is having topics on Egypt travel to Giza, Egypt tourist locations, Egypt travel deals and many more for visit us
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