One of the most common applications of essential oil is inhaling or sniffing its relaxing and soul rejuvenating fragrance. To do this, the scent should be dispersed in the air. There are devices that we call essential oil diffusers, or simply diffusers; they facilitate the circulation of the oil's scent in the air for someone to experience its blissful and energizing effect. Diffusing may involve the use of water and heat, depending on the type of diffuser being used. This whole process is called aromatherapy. There are simple diffusers that you can make yourself at home, using materials that are readily available in your household. 1. Tissue or Cotton Diffusion - Apply a few drops of essential oils to a piece of clean tissue, cotton or cloth. Move your hands over it so that the scent of the essential oil will waft into the air. This method can be done anywhere and anytime. 2. Steam Diffusion - Add drops of essential oil to boiled water (tips to use essential oil: 10 drops is to two cups of water). The scent will be carried by the steam. There are certain essential oils that may irritate the mucous lining, like cinnamon, thyme, rosemary, eucalyptus and cajuput, so if you are using these, add fewer drops to the water. This method is perfect for sweet-smelling oils like lavender and sweet orange. The problem with this method is that the aroma produced is not long lasting. To overcome these limitations, advanced diffusers are built to make full use of essential oil and reap the benefits to the fullest. 1. Candle diffuser ¬- This is a ceramic material with a slot for a candle lying below a bowl-like structure. The bowl will contain the essential oil that will be gently heated by the candle. The aroma will then be diffused to the air for a long time. 2. Terracotta diffuser - A clay pot contains the essential oil. It will be covered with a cork and then the scent will percolate the air. 3. Fan Diffuser - This requires the use of electricity. It is a device that blows wind to the essential oil to diffuse it into the air. The essential oil is placed in a tray or absorbent pad which is kept in the fan diffuser, wafting the scent into the air. 4. Essential Oil Nebulizer ¬- This device breaks down the molecules of the essential oil so it could easily be dispersed in the air. The molecules are so small that it can be readily absorbed by our lungs. The nebulizer has two main parts, the plastic container where the motor is, and a glass where the oil break down into smaller particles. The author owns the website where you can find an essential oil diffuser that fits you need perfectly. Visit Now!
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essential oil diffusers, essential oil,