Now that I have gotten past all the “fear articles” and local tv news videos regarding “all the terrible things kratom can do to you”, I’ve been able to have the freedom to review real research. All of it, and I mean ALL of it shows kratom to be not only a harmless herb with medicinal properties, but quite a healthy one as well, promoting heart health, lowering blood pressure, boosting the immune system, and early studies showing it even may help cure type two diabetes. I’ve also learned it boosts the mood naturally, not unlike St. John’s Wort but without messing with brain serotonin. What used to scare me “It attaches to the brain’s MU Opioids now encourages me, as I learned that does not make it a drug any more than cheese, dark chocolate and coffee (kratom’s cousin) and most fatty foods. They, too all attach to the brain’s mu opioid receptors. It is when an herb or drug attaches to all of them that we have a problem (drugs that do that are (but not limited to) hydrocodone, oxycodone etc. Early studies at Ole Miss in January show that kratom has the potential to easily get people off of those drugs without the horrible addictive side effects of methadone, suboxadone, etc. The impetus for my beginning research on kratom was chronic relentless pain that had lasted at least a decade. The medical community had tried all kinds of drugs; most of them being opiates, and none of them worked after a few days unless I upped the dosage. The exact opposite occurred with kratom. The tolerance threshold was gentle and easy. I found my minimum that works, and maximum that is too much and leveled it out to about 4 capsules if I experience pain. That was 8 months ago when I discovered and it is the same today. I don’t need more for it to work. I don’t have any euphoria (sorry party ravers, this is not your herb), I don’t have hallucinations (sorry 60s past-due hippies, this may not be for you either), but I do get solid, extremely efficient pain relief from some of the most extreme pain (according to neurologists) anyone can experience. I do not recommend people go out and experiment with kratom “for fun”. Why? Because anyone who is experimenting is likely to take much more than required. Is that dangerous? No. They are likely to get nauseated and/or fall asleep, but there have been no reports ever of death or OD from kratom. Who do I believe would benefit from it? Several groups might. People who suffer from anxiety and/or depression who might not feel comfortable taking pharmaceuticals. It works without the “head fog” and hangover that often comes with many of those meds. People like me with a myriad of pains who also don’t want to take pharmaceuticals. People who have tendonitis, carpal tunnel, toothache, neuralgia, insomnia, lack of energy etc. Though it is in the coffee family and is about as habit-forming as coffee, the fear-based articles and stories already have it as addictive as morphine and extremely dangerous. I’m still waiting for the science behind those claims (nobody ever seems able to come forward with it), though am sure, like the demonization of marijuana we’ll soon see some Big Pharma-sponsored studies that show it turns people into vampires who steal wives and take them to castles forever. On the other hand, I have plenty of science on my side that this is a very smart choice for those wishing not to take extremely deadly drugs that truly do kill. I look at kratom as a true lifesaver and it didn’t take me long to think like that. I knew it worked after the 2nd or third time (knew it was not my imagination). I knew it was not very habit-forming when I first ran out and had to experience my pain (with aspirin) for a week. I felt flu-like for a day, same basically when I’ve stopped coffee. It was then that I knew the “media demonization of kratom” was in full gear, just like in the 1930s, demonization against marijuana, based on the skewed mind of America’s first Drug Czar who wanted to make a name for himself, claiming Mexican men were bringing it over the border (called it locoweed) and raping all our American women in our border towns. That was a century ago. Bigotry and fear was how America was run. It was only a month or so after his statements that a benign medicinal herb marijuana was suddenly a schedule 1 killer drug (in the same league with heroin, cocaine etc). And Americans believed it. Even American doctors played along. But now karma is hitting them in the butts. It is said that those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it. And I see an awful lot of people demonizing kratom, who believe they are immune from history. They are not. And time again, like with marijuana will tell who was on the right side of history, and who was not. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Rick London is a popular offbeat cartoonist who founded offbeat cartoons and funny gifts. He is an outspoken activist to keep the analgesic herb kratom legal which is keeping people off of opiate drugs. He claims the best kratom anywhere comes from a S. California-based firm called He likes not only the quality but the price plus customers get another 15% off the already low prices when they type in the coupon code "Kratom" at checkout.
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