Since the 1980s, computerized maintenance management software (CMMS) has been in existence, most of which were client/server software until recently. However, with the advent of cloud-based solutions, companies prefer to use a cloud CMMS hosted externally by a third-party vendor. Despite the controversies seen in both client/server and cloud-based systems, choosing the right option only matters. So, here are some important considerations to help you decide. Security: With Client/Server, as long as the CMMS data related to your organization resides on your internal server network your IT department is in charge of keeping that data safe and secure. Also, it is solely responsible for back-up measures, data maintenance and data recovery plans. This calls for extra effort between downtime and disaster. Whereas a web-based CMMS hosts on large data centres, sometimes hundreds of client servers leading way for the data maintenance and data recovery. Also, in this Maintenance Management Software the security threats are constantly monitored and quickly addressed globally. Service and Support: Your IT department will probably be in charge of the installation, maintenance and support of your client/server CMMS. When determining the TCO for your investment this time and expense should be taken into consideration. It would also be wise to review the support and maintenance upgrade plans offered by your provider. With the cloud option, virtually you don’t have to involve in deploy, maintenance or back-ups. Nevertheless, you don’t have access to network management with external hosting. You got any issues? The ASP network administrators of your cloud-based application will deal with that. Ownership: Comparing the Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) between cloud-based applications and client/server software over the expected product life is important. In Client/Server based, the start-up costs can be high depending on the needs of your organization but future software updates are optional. But once you purchase this CMMS Software it’s yours for life. With cloud-based software, the initial investment is lower because there is nothing to “buy.” A web browser, name and password are all you need to access the software. As a global provider of CMMS software for many successful years, Nextgenam offers complete solutions for organizations of all types and sizes. Ranging from manufacturing and health care campuses, til government or non-profit organizations and international multi-site corporations, their Knowledgeable sales and support teams understand your requirements and support to through the business.
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computerized, maintenance, management, software,