Welcome back to our four-part article series on the frequently asked questions and concerns patients have for dental implants specialists in Arizona. Previously, in Part 1 of the series, we addressed (1) how dental implants worked, (2) how patients should go about booking an appointment for teeth replacement and (3) whether implants can be used to replace more than one tooth; perhaps even a mouth full of missing teeth. Let’s continue to address more of your questions and anxieties… Your Question/Concern: Will my new tooth/teeth look natural, or will people be able to tell that I’ve had a tooth/teeth replaced? Dental Implants Specialists in Phoenix Answer: “The dental appliances that are supported by teeth implants and are used to replace the visible portion of your missing teeth are expertly fabricated to resemble natural teeth. All aspects of your face, mouth and jaw will be taken into account so that your new teeth not only look healthy and white, but so that your resultant smile perfectly suits you. “The size and color of your new tooth or teeth will be relatively matched to that of your remaining teeth (now might be the perfect time to consider a teeth whitening treatment!),” say dental implant specialists in Arizona. “Constant improvements in composite materials used in the fabrication of ceramic or prosthetic teeth allow for greater function, durability and more natural aesthetics.” Your Question/Concern: Why choose dental implants when there are less expensive technologies available? Dental Implants Specialists in Arizona Answer: “The notion that dental implants are more expensive than traditional teeth replacement techniques, such as removable dentures and conventional bridges, is really an outdated and unfounded one. Sure, they initially come with a higher price tag, but this balanced out in the long-term with their much greater durability and lifespan than these archaic technologies. Would you rather pay less for a television that’s going to need replacement in 10 years’ time? Or would you rather pay a little more for a television that’s going to last you 20, 30 years or even longer? “Additionally, teeth implants boast a suite of benefits and advantages over these seemingly cheaper, yet more challenging teeth replacement technologies,” say dental implant specialists in Arizona. “They are more comfortable, they feel more natural, they promote a better quality of life and they help to maintain the health of the underlying jawbone. Teeth implants also enable patients to eat what they want, they seldom require restoration and are cared for like natural teeth. “When you factor into account the amount of money you’ll spend on replacing old ill-fitting removable dentures and decayed bridges, as well as all the associated dental care products, implants work out to be far more economical,” say the specialists of dental implants in Arizona. Your Question/Concern: I heard that your mouth could be very sore after having dental implants placed. Is this true? Dental Implants Specialists in Arizona Answer: “Every patient is different and will experience different degrees of discomfort, but this is really not something you should be concerned about. No patient is sent home without prescription painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication and these can be used to eliminate and pain and discomfort. “In any case, the implant protocols we follow nowadays are far less invasive in nature and so require fewer incisions and sutures,” explain the experts of dental implants in Phoenix. “This makes post-operative recovery much less traumatic. In most cases, patients are back up on their feet and at work the next day! 95% of patients say that they barely experienced any pain in the days following their surgery.” Stay Tuned! To read the answers to more of your frequently expressed questions and concerns about teeth implants, stay tuned for the third installment of this four-part article series. Author Bio: Rozar Peter is an expert offering insights on Dental Implants in Arizona. He explains the comprehensive benefits of Dental Implants Phoenix and how it transforms your smile and your personality.
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