News Domestic & General Announces Winners of the UK"s LargestConsumer Survey of Electrical Retailers (31/10/2011) The UK"s top electrical retailers have been rewarded with theprestigious title of Retailer of the Year 2011. In the UK"sbiggest consumer survey of independent electrical retailers over aquarter of a million surveys are sent out to customers following amajor electrical purchase such as a TV or washing machine. With thesurvey sponsored and administered by leading warranty providerDomestic & General, it is designed to reward the very bestcustomer service across the independent electrical retail channelin the UK. In this year"s survey over 1,000 High Street shopsand on-line retailers were rated in four key areas including storepresentation, product information and customer service. Over 500 retailers had more than the minimum number of surveys (30)returned to qualify for the title of Retailer of the Year 2011.Their scores across the four key questions are added together anddivided by the number of responses for each retailer to get anoverall score. The three Retailer of the Year 2011 accolades go tothe High Street retailer and the online retailer with the highestcombined scores in their category and the retailer whose customersrated the shop as most likely recommend to friends and family. The High Street Retailer of the Year 2011 award goes to Aclands ofBridgwater in Somerset. Regularly appearing in the top 10 for HighStreet Retailer of the Year since the survey began in 2002, thisyear"s accolade is the fourth time the trophy has gone tothis friendly independent store – the highest number of winsby any one store in the survey"s history. In thisyear"s survey the company scored consistently highly in allfour categories to achieve an overall score just ahead of runnersup J Waterall (North Humberside) and Barkers Domestic Appliances(Sussex) Internet Retailer of the Year 2011 was another close battle acrossthe top 10 rated retailers with Hughes Direct (part of HughesElectrical in Suffolk) taking top honours in front of runners upMarks Electrical (Leicester) and PRC Direct (part of PRC Hi-Fi& Video in Essex). Hughes Direct was rated very highly for itsexception product information and went on to score the highestaverage score for delivery the internet part of the survey has everseen, a staggering 9.94/10. Most Recommended Retailer of the Year was a new category for 2011.Based on a single survey question asking customers to rate, on ascale of 0-10, how inclined they were to recommend the retailer totheir friends and family. Clear winner for this inaugural award wasBarretts Digital World (Kent) with an incredible average score of9.41, leading runners up Barkers Domestic Appliances (Sussex) andWellingtons (Kent) by almost a clear point. Owners and managers of the three winning retailers were presentedtheir trophies at the exclusive Corrigan"s of Mayfairrestaurant in London, hosted by Domestic & General salesdirector, Derek Hollingdale. Commented Mr Hollingdale: "Thisyear"s Retailer of the Year survey has once again highlightedhow important great customer service is in running a successfulretail business. The three winning businesses along with all thosefeaturing near the top of the survey results are thriving despiteexceptionally tough economic trading conditions. Domestic &General has built its business on 60-years of deliveringexceptional customer care and we are very proud to sponsor theseawards that celebrate the best in customer service." Visit our featured links Visit our sponsors and showcases. I am an expert from, while we provides the quality product, such as Titanium Strip Coil , Titanium Pipe Fittings Manufacturer, Titanium Heat Exchanger Tube,and more.
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