I'll put the TL/DR at the top. Can anyone give me a definitiveanswer about 4K sector HDDs working in a PS3, particularly a firstgen "Phat"? ( mine's an old 60GB with full BC. ) I've triedsearching multiple forums and articles across the web and I see asmany success stories as failures. Specifically I'm looking at the750GB Momentus XT hybrid drive. If you want to know a few moredetails, keep reading. So, I have the very first gen 60GB PS3 ( four USB ports, cardreader, full hardware backwards compatibility, etc. ) I want toupgrade the HDD again ( I dropped a 250GB Scorpio Black in it Jan2010, ) and I'm looking for 500GB+ drives. However I'm a littlewary about whether or not a new Advanced Format / 4K sector drivewill work. I know most of them still have 512B emulation for legacysystems, so I'm guessing the PS3 will at least be able to use it.However I've yet to find any confirmation, preferably direct fromSony, whether the PS3 OS is sector size aware. And considering thenumber of stories I hear from people upgrading and seeing aslowdown in performance, I'm guessing they're running into sectormisalignment problems. But then these reports are off olderfirmware versions and it's possible the OS has been updated for 4Ksupport in the latest releases. And if the new Slim model has anupdated SATA controller ( I don't know if it's different from theold "Phat," ) will that make a difference in slapping a new drivewith an old controller? I'd like to throw a 750GB Momentus XT in my PS3, but it's a 4Kdrive. The 500GB model is 512B so that's my backup plan right now,but I'd like to have the 8GB cache instead of the older 4GB one. Iknow the SSD cache on it won't dramatically improve load times onthe PS3 because the worst bottleneck is the optical drive. Howevera large chunk of my game library is now completely on the HDD soI'm hoping it will help a little in load times on those titles (I've watched videos of tracks loading in GT5 almost 10 seconds faster on the XT vs thestock drive. ) A second, smaller question is about head parking. I've read thatsince most 2.5" drives are designed for laptops, some haveaggressive energy saving features that will park the heads after arelatively short time. I've read quite a few reports of PS3 usersexperiencing stuttering because the drives are constantly spinningup and down that likely stems from this. Does anyone know of a listof models to avoid for this particular reason?. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as Acrylic Pop Display Manufacturer , China Floating Desktop Globe for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Magnetic Floating Globe.
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