Everyone who smokes realizes that quitting is in his or her best interests. Has any smoker ever extolled the great health benefits of smoking? Non-smokers may try to understand the many difficulties in quitting, but former smokers have traveled that path before you. Read this article to find out ways that you can develop a plan to stop smoking that will be successful. If you can't do away with a craving altogether, try to at least hold out against it for as long as possible. For example, require yourself to take a long stroll before you give in and have a smoke. If nothing else, pour yourself a big iced tea and promise yourself to finish drinking it first. Perhaps the extra few minutes spent occupying your mind with something else can prevent you from smoking. If you still feel you need that cigarette, delaying it may mean you will be smoking at least one less on that particular day. Understand that quitting smoking will take a long time to materialize. It's a slow process that takes patience and determination. Don't worry about what will next year or next month. Approach quitting on a day-by-day basis. Give yourself credit for every day you succeed, and you might be surprised by how quickly those days turn into weeks. Talk to your loved ones, in order to garner their support in quitting smoking. Communicate your need for support, so that they can understand their important roles, rather than becoming judgmental or doubtful. Initially, you may suffer from mood swings and cloudy judgement and the people around you should be aware of it. It's not easy to stop smoking, and you should be sure you have your loved ones' support during this process. You might want to look into therapy to help with nicotine replacement. The main stumbling block to quitting cigarettes is your body's addiction to the drug nicotine. This is what causes most of the cravings. Cravings can often be overwhelming. You can help with the cravings by using nicotine replacement therapy. There are many studies that show using gum, lozenges, or nicotine patches increases the chance of quitting. Avoid nicotine replacements like lozenges or gum if you're still smoking. When you commit to quitting smoking, plan out appropriate rewards for every milestone you achieve. You can take yourself out to a new movie release after the first week. Once a months has past, go out for a special meal. This will help to increase motivation for your reward in an effort to eliminate smoking from your thoughts. After reading this article, you should be prepared to finally quit smoking. Quitting smoking will make you happier, healthier, and it will help extend your life. Thank your family by using the money you are saving to do something special for them. They supported you through your trials, so they deserve it! For more information about e cigarette starter kit, check out water vapor cigarette. I'm sure it will help you choose which electronic cigarette is the best one for you.
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