Publishing WordPress post to Facebook page via app guide shows the proper setup to avoid unknown Facebook application id eror or invalid application error. There are third party tools are available to syndicate your posts from WordPress - in fact we wrote such way to syndicate before. Check the date of that guide - it is nearly 2.5 years old. Many things has been changed by now. Actually that is not the proper way to post on Official Facebook Page of your website. As the Application ID never matches, it shows up the error. Over 50% users do not understand this basic thing. However, there are other reasons of getting the errors which we will also discuss within this Publishing WordPress post to Facebook page via app guide.
Publishing WordPress Post to Facebook Page via App : Proper Steps
First make sure that Open Graph Protocol og image, og description are showing properly. I have modified the part of Plugin in that post for easy setup. First read this guide carefully :
Associate a Facebook application with your WordPress site
Now read this Guide :
Social plugins and publishing in your WordPress site
To summarize, you are :
1)Creating a Facebook App for your website
2)You are installing that official Facebook Plugin for WordPress
This is the actual way to properly integrate WordPress with Facebook Page. As there is no Third Party tools, technically it is superior from various aspects. You can enrich more with the custom WordPress Hooks and Filters of FB API. The Plugin is underrated as people do not understand the combining part. There is more easy way :
I have sanitized it :
There was call to the Plugin developer's website to validate the call to Facebook, I have mentioned that on Github's that page as note. If another person can monitor your post via Plugin, that is not great. Why your post will call another website's page ? You can create a Facebook App yourself. That is the other part's Source Code is not even shown - Be sure to correct that part and code yourself else use the Official Facebook App. We were writing about Publishing WordPress Post to Facebook Page via App and discovered something more. This is the sixth Plugin I found to have some hidden function. Facebook itself is not recommended to use by FSF though, still it is kind of burglary on thief's own house. Plugin itself is very nicely coded.
Publishing WordPress Post to Facebook Page via App : Fixing the Errors
Publishing WordPress Post to Facebook Page via App Guide
If you can check all the Facebook associated plugins (Like, any Widget etc.) and make it really yours (like above), normally it should pass the OGP API test. Make sure that the app is not in sandbox mode or is restricted demographically. That part can be checked in the Advanced tab of Facebook App page in the app settings in the App Dashboard.
Computer and Internet, Plugins, Facebook
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