Fleas are possibly the worst enemies of your beloved pet, either a dog or cat. Your pet does not solve this problem on its own and you need to interfere to help the pet from the regular chewing or itching owing to flea bites. If you are not serious enough then you need to know that a female flea usually lays more than 200 eggs every day and they can remain hidden beneath the pet’s furs and can hatch in a longer range of time like one year or so. Imagine how much pain can be inflicted upon your lovely pet after one year if you do not pay heed to this flea problem. The flea dips & flea control need to be taken at a war footing because, if remain ignored for a longer duration, it will not only make life miserable for your pet but yours as well. An adult flea’s bite will keep the pet itching for several hours and it might not remain as friendly, therefore you must focus on giving some immediate solution by choosing suitable and effective flea treatments available in the market. Always try to buy the best and the most effective treatment available in the market, even if it costs few dollars extra. You must regularly use flea spray with insect growth regulator to restrain the growth of baby fleas or to prevent the dormant eggs from hatching and causing immense trouble. IGR or insect growth regulator can interfere in the life cycle of baby flea thus checking the abnormal growth of fleas in your pet’s body or in your house. Fleas also get transmitted from an infested pet to other pretty quickly. Whenever your pet mingles with other pets or someone takes his pet in your house you should ensure that the other pet, either a cat or a dog, is not infested by fleas. Well, you cannot directly say this to your guest and you will need to find a more reasonable or diplomatic solution. Cedar dusts and chips are known to be natural flea repellants. You can place adequate quantity of cedar chips in the bed of the pet. When going for shopping you might easily find the cedar dusts but that will get sprinkled from your pet’s body to every place in house wherever it roams. On the contrary, chips will not stick to their furs or body and the purpose will be solved without soiling the house. Read More
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