OTTAWA A B.C. company has found the silver lining in the macabremurder and dismemberment case that gripped Canada this week. Surrey-based Backcheck is a company that does criminal backgroundchecks on prospective tenants. In a press release issued Friday the same day police identified student Lin Jun as the person whosedecomposed torso was found stuffed in a suitcase in a Montrealalley and whose hand and foot were mailed to political parties inOttawa the company said a proper background check would haverevealed red flags in prime suspect Luka Rocco Magnotta. The press release was issued Friday morning on Canada NewsWire awire service primarily used to deliver corporate and business newsreleases by BackCheck s PR firm, Fleishman-HillardCommunications of Vancouver. The headline says Canadians whodon t think tenant background checks are important may thinktwice. The release cites the Magnotta case and the shooting rampage byAngus David Mitchell, who killed two people and wounded another inB.C. s Fraser Valley on Wednesday before he was shot and killed bythe RCMP. It quickly attracted attention online, circulating on Twitter as the tackiest press release in human history. The release quotes Dave Dinesen, president and chief executive ofBackcheck saying, Getting paid the rent is only one aspect offinding a good tenant. A proper screening, which involves credit, criminal, employmentand previous rentals, would have uncovered red flags, Dinesensays. Magnotta had four convictions of fraud before his Internetnotoriety exploded with the Lin homicide and previous videos postedonline that allegedly show him killing kittens. Mitchell had ahistory of evictions and being fired from his job, Backcheck said. Reached Friday, Dinesen said he was aware of the Twitter backlash,but said the point remained that it s rare for landlords to delveinto the backgrounds of prospective tenants. I apologize if anyone thought it was in poor taste but if Iwas renting out my basement, I d want to know who I was renting itto. The company says it can deliver its thorough tenant screeningpackage in one to three days. The cost is $89. Dinesen conceded that he might talk to my marketing guy, aboutthe timing of the release, but said the information it containedwas important. If we can t learn from bad events, it could happen again, hesaid. I d rather take a slight risk in regards to tact, if itcan avoid a repeat. We are high quality suppliers, our products such as Handmade Oil Paint Manufacturer , Custom Car Stickers for oversee buyer. To know more, please visits Wall Sticker Clock.
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