A Cuban cigar signifies class and high standards. There is an entire process devoted to selecting and smoking a cigar; unlike a cigarette, you don’t just buy one and light one. During the old times, men with cigars were considered as men of the upper class; people who were of the elite circle. These men would have guillotines or a pocketknife with them and used cigars to celebrate a special occasion. Today, there are still a few handfuls who invest in good Cuban cigars. And for those who plan to find the best Cuban cigars in the USA, here are a few things to know before you step inside a cigar humidor. Parts of a Cuban Cigar Selecting, buying, and lighting a cigar requires you to have enough knowledge of the product, and it all starts with the basics: knowing the four different parts of a cigar. The first part you will notice is the head. The head is the sealed part of the cigar and you will need a guillotine to properly cut it off. A knife will do, but if you don’t do it properly you might end up destroying the entire cigar. The foot of the cigar is the part which you light up. The other two parts are the wrapper and the filler. The wrapper is the outer coating of the cigar and provides the cigar’s distinct flavor. And lastly, the filling of the cigar is made up of authentic fermented and dried tobacco. You will need to know these terms before you start selecting and buying your cigars. Selecting the right Cuban Cigar If you are out to buy the best Cuban cigars brands, head over to the nearest humidor. You might find cigars sold in stores or at the mall but the quality of these cigars might have disintegrated already. Humidors have the right temperatures and a professional tobacconist to help you select the best cigar for you. So if you’re buying your first cigar for the first time, this is the perfect place to start. Even if you don’t have that much information on a certain cigar brand, the tobacconist will guide you through everything, making your very first buying experience a memorable one. Although it is true that the more expensive brands are sometimes the best ones, it is better to stay away from the expensive brands first. Price shouldn’t be your basis for purchasing a cigar, instead look for good tobacco quality and cigar construction. Cigar-Smoking Experience Once you get to smoke your very first cigar, everything else will be easy. Buying cigars from reputable Cuban cigars stores in the USA as well as choosing the best Cuban cigars will just be too easy. Cigar preference is subjective; you might like one specific brand that some of your friends might not like. Try a few varieties of cigars and cigar brands. Compare one brand from the other, and on your next trip to the humidor, you’ll know exactly what to look for. Cigars of Habanos is famous supplier of Cuban cigars in USA. If you plan to find the online Cuban cigars store in the USA, here are a few things to know before you step inside a cigar humidor.
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