One of the biggest questions to be answered about broken sleep and sleep disorders is how does lack of sleep affect behavior. A lack of sleep can affect the behavior of a person in many different ways. Some people may exhibit a few of the common behavior changes associated with a lack of sleep while some others may exhibit many changes that could cause the people around the affected person to become concerned. Lack of sleep has many negative effects on the brain, affecting many of the different behaviors that are controlled by the brain. The person may experience emotional changes, changes to their physical behavior, and an increase in negative personality traits. Each person may be affected by a lack of sleep in a different way, but for each person the changes in behavior will be negative and may be severe enough for the person to need medical attention. People affected by a lack of sleep will find themselves much less patient with and much more irritable towards the people around them. Things that would have never bothered the person before now cause arguments to break out and can cause headaches for everyone involved. The people around them are generally baffled by the person’s change in personality. The good news is that this general irritability will disappear once the person has resumed their normal sleeping habits. Once the person realizes what they have been doing and how they have been acting, they are very upset and sorry about their previous behavior. People affected by a lack of sleep will often have an inability to concentrate or reason out problems. Children in school that are affected by a lack of sleep do worse on tests and do not learn as much as they would have with a full night’s rest. Adults suffering from a lack of sleep get into car accidents more frequently because they are unable to concentrate enough to drive a car properly and obey the many laws of the road. A lack of sleep can result in the person appearing confused or disoriented to the people around them. They act and move like a person who has had too much alcohol to drink or has been taking intoxicating drugs. Precise movements are difficult to perform and dizziness can occur when standing or moving too quickly. The longer the lack of sleep occurs, the worse the person will be because the brain is getting more and more tired. This causes the person’s reaction time to decrease with each passing day. Do you know enough about the effect of insomnia on your body? Insomnia can be treated and you can learn how now by clicking on over to
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