Unique bid auctions are the new way to shop. If you are looking for top quality items at rock bottoms prices, then this is the way to get them. It might be that you are looking to save money. On the other hand, you might be looking to get hold of items that in the past, you simply could not afford. Whatever the reason you are using these auction sites for, here is an idea of what you can expect. What items and how much? The items on offer on unique bid auction sites range from top quality BBQs to flat screen TVs and even suitcases. If you are looking for a product that has a high RRP, is in high demand and you simply can not afford, then this is where you need to start your search. Did you know that many of the people that bid on these auctions pay a purchase price that represents a 99% discount in comparison to the RRP? Some examples of items that have finished at ridiculously low prices recently include: Electric scooters Ride-on suitcases Top quality headphones Top of the range satellite navigation systems The question is, how do you win? There is no right or wrong answer when it comes to these unique bid auctions. You need to have a strategy in place, but you also need the ability to adapt that strategy for each auction that appears on a site. Some auctions are incredibly easy to win. They might be items that have a high RRP, but the actual demand for the item is fairly low. This means that there are going to be less bidders bidding on the item, which gives you a much better chance of winning the auction. The name really says it all. You need to be able to determine what the lowest unique bid is going to be. The lowest unique bid could be the lowest bid, which would be 0.01. Of course, the majority of people will cover this bid just in case, which is why a lot of the winners will win with bids such as 0.56 or 1.42. Basically, the numbers that win are not always the most obvious ones. How much does it cost to get involved? Different unique bid auctions will have different costs to get involved. Generally, the cost to place one bid is going to less than 1% of the items value. That often means that even if it takes over 100 bids to win an auction, you are still going to have picked up an item below the retail price. The great thing is that a lot of the sites that offer this bidding format will offer you the chance to win free bid packs by entering competitions. This means that you could win an item without spending anything at all. Conclusion If you are looking to save ridiculous amounts of cash, then unique bid auctions are certainly going to be your best option. Whether you want a new GPS system or an iPod, there will be an auction that is suitable. The lowest unique bid auction site BidGrid is a good place to start. Sign up is completely free and once registered you can bid on their free practice auctions which are a great way to figure out the bidding process and you also get the chance to win free bids in a monthly draw.
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