Electronic cigarettes have been around for some time now. These devices, also known as the e-cigarette or 'e-cig' originated in China and were designed to provide a substitute for the more popular tobacco cigarette. Compared with the standard tobacco cigarette, the e-cigarette is available in the form of a small container which has a nicotine solution along with other solutions which is heated up by an enclosed power supply, the battery or cell changes the solution into smoke which can be inhaled by a smoker. E-cigarettes are available in an array of designs, styles and strengths therefore providing a consumer with a diverse choice with some e-cigarettes being disposable soon after use. Variations of E-cigarettes Since their inception a couple of years ago, electric cigarettes have seen a staggering success as a lot more types enter in the smoker's world. Various producers deliver a variety of cigs to keep up with the ever increasing need this kind of cigarette. The e-cigs come as a type of an aerosol, a few look just like the conventional tobacco cigarette and other being disposable just after use. The main parts of the e-cigarette are the compartment containing the solution, the power supply and the stem utilized to breathe in the smoke. The cigarette is composed of materials such as plastic, stainless-steel, aluminium and other materials. Benefits of Electric cigarettes The purpose of inventing the e-cig was to offset the side effects which were facing the traditional cigarette. The advantages of e cigs include the following: Consumer and Eco-friendly: The e- cig doesn't include any lighting effects or usage of a match or gas lighter hence no fumes, odours, or ashes. This allows the cigarette to be simultaneously user and also eco-friendly. Clean and Hygienic: The cigarette is made of simple to clean and sterilize components that are produced from plastic, aluminium or stainless steel. Unlike the normal cigarette which usually gets soggy when put into the mouth and also leaving behind traces of tobacco remnants, the e-cig is pretty sanitary. Various Smoking Choices: There are lots of options to pick from; the consumer might choose nicotine or non-nicotine options along with lacing the solution with pleasant scents like strawberry or vanilla. Controlled smoking: E-cigs provide the user the choice of controlling how much is inhaled, the user can raise or decrease the amount or nicotine emitted by the cigarette. It has also resulted in the e-cig being utilized as an method to stop cigarette smoking. Controversies Facing Electronic cigarettes In spite of the numerous benefits that accompany electric cigarettes, there continues to be resistance that keeps that the e-cig is still a cigarette hence must be forbidden on public places. Some countries have banned public smoking of the e-cigs on medical reasons of being a health risk due to inhalation of the nicotine solution as well as on social reasons that it promotes smoking. In the UK the government recently tried to ban ecigs, on the grounds that they promote smoking to younger people and children. They fell short of the ban, but do intend to bring e-cigarettes under the terms of licensed medication, some time after 2016. E-Cigarettes will be around for a long time however, as millions of people worldwide avoid the dangerous health implications of tobacco by opting for their electronic cousins instead, and thus saving many lives. Visit us on facebook for updates, reviews, news and coupon codes!
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