Okay, so you just packed your bags and you're ready to go! Your mind is going crazy making sure that you didn't forget anything, and with that you forget the most important thing…your diet!! When most of us go on vacation, it seems that we don't know that we left our diet at home until it's too late! Oh well, the plane already took off, how can I go back and get it!? Of course it's easy to sideline our diet "until I get back", but sticking to your diet can be a lot easier than you think! We all know how hard it can be to stick to our diet while we are on vacation, and it is certainly not the most important thing on our mind! Even with that being said, you should always try to remember these three things: - Get Exercise – This should be the easiest part. Walking around is usually a part of any vacation, and is the least you could do to burn off the calories you ate the night before! Hopefully your hotel will have a good gym, where you will be able to do light cardio to keep energized and on path. You can always use an Internet Gym Finder, like GoodGym.com, and examine the Gym Reviews.
- Everything In Moderation – Since it is your vacation, you are allowed to eat some sweets! If you go with the "everything in moderation" rule, you will be able to enjoy some sweets and still be able to burn off those calories throughout the day!
- Try Not To Eat Late At Night – Eating food (especially fat or sweet foods) late at night is one of the number one contributors to weight gain and obesity. If you eat late and then go to sleep, you will not be able to burn off any of the calories that you just consumed.
Perhaps the most important part of your diet while you are on vacation is exercise. It doesn't matter what I, or anyone else says or writes, everyone on vacation will enjoy sweets and sometimes alcohol. The best way to counter the effects of the above is to get exercise…you don't need to lift heavy weights, but cardio is suggested. Find a gym, check the gym reviews, and head over for a great workout. Everyone always says that preparation is the key, and they are certainly right in this instance! In order for you to have the best chances of sticking to your diet, you must allow for it to happen. Plan ahead and make sure that your hotel has a gym, that way you will have no excuse not to exercise! Hot Tip: Remember, if you are on a diet it may be nice to visit some local restaurants that "claim" to be healthy. Do some research before traveling and make sure you know where a few healthy restaurants are located. This way, when you are hungry, you don't need to stop at a fast food joint!
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