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Australian agricultural multi-pronged approach for tackling globalfood crisis - Roll Storage Rack by grass lawn

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Australian agricultural multi-pronged approach for tackling globalfood crisis - Roll Storage Rack by
Article Posted: 06/26/2013
Article Views: 151
Articles Written: 975
Word Count: 528
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Australian agricultural multi-pronged approach for tackling globalfood crisis - Roll Storage Rack

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As global food demand is poised for unprecedented growth,Australian agriculture can and will play a significant role inmeeting demands, according to an Australian expert in internationalagriculture and economics. Chris Barrett is Professor of Applied Economics and Management andInternational Professor of Agriculture, and Professor of Economics,at Cornell University. Speaking at a public lecture at the University of Sydney yesterday,Professor Barrett said he believes that, as a surplus producer anda source of innovation and investible capital, Australia will playa significant role in meeting increasing global food demands overthe next decade. Professor Barrett said, "Despite Prime Minister JuliaGillard's recent call for Australia to become the food bowlof Asia, the predominantly local nature of food supply chains meansthe answer is not as simple as simply shipping food from major foodsurplus economies, such as Australia and the United States, to thedeficit regions of Africa and Asia." Instead, Professor Barrett said a multi-pronged strategy isrequired.

Emphasis on targeted productivity growth According to Professor Barrett, governments and the private sectorneed to substantially expand investment in agriculturalproductivity, with an eye toward producing the full range ofnutrients needed for healthy living – not just maximisingyields and calorie supplies. "Because food is perishable and expensive to transport, 85 to90 per cent of food is consumed within the country in which it isproduced," Professor Barrett said. "So we mustemphasise productivity growth in Africa and Asia, where most demandgrowth will happen, and where agricultural yields are onlyone-third those of the highest-income nations." Adapt agriculture to climate change Secondly, Professor Barrett said efforts to adapt agriculture toclimate change must be accelerated. Professor Barrett said, "If food demand outstrips supply,higher food price rises will only add to the pressure to convertcarbon-rich forests, wetlands and grasslands to crop and livestockproduction – accelerating greenhouse gas emissions,aggravating climate change, and putting further pressure onagriculture." Reduce food loss and waste Thirdly, Professor Barrett said that as much as half of global foodproduction is lost between the farmer's field and the dinnerplate. "Consumer food waste in developed countries equals the entirefood production of sub-Saharan Africa," he said.

"Reducing food waste, while simultaneously ending policiesthat divert agricultural output into biofuels production, will helpalleviate the pressure to bring more land and water into food andfeed production." Improve management of natural resources Fourthly, Professor Barrett said efforts need to be made toconserve scarce soil nutrients and water. "Managing natural resources in agriculture has taken a backseat compared to making genetic improvements in crops andlivestock," Professor Barrett said. "Increasing natural resource scarcity will mean that naturalresources management-based approaches will become increasinglyimportant to stimulating productivity growth and resilience." Support demand among poor communities Fifthly, Professor Barrett said systems must be put in place toensure that the poor can afford a healthy diet. Professor Barrett said, "Jobs programs and cash transferprograms that keep children in school directly increase thepoor's productivity and thereby their incomes and foodsecurity.

"Supply-side stimuli cannot meet the coming food securitychallenge alone without complementary support of effective demandamong poor consumers worldwide.".

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