When you retire and having plenty of time in hand, one of the best possible things that you can do is to go back to school. You may think that 55plus is an age that is way too past for this. However, we think otherwise and a lot of others, including experts, government organizations and society as a whole do too. There are numerous reasons why there is so much backing for the idea of going back to school. The best being that it could have been your dream to have graduated but could not complete your higher education due to other pressing demands of life. So, now you have the time, freedom and probably some cash savings to fulfil this dream. The self fulfilment and sense of achievement you will be feeling will be a wonderful boost to your senior life. Read on for some more plus points to tip the scale in favour of heading back to college after retirement. Keeping Up to date – Knowledge is ever changing and ever accumulating and hence, by going back to college, you can update yourself with knowledge of new technologies, new disciplines and new methodologies. You will be surprised at how much has changed and evolved since the time you left school. While it could be challenging for old dogs to learn new tricks, we all know that Baby Boomers are a hardy pack when it comes to facing challenges. So, take the bull by the horn and show the Gen Zs that oldies are not so bad at new technology or learning new ways. We are sure that you will have the discipline and perseverance to learn them well. Personal Growth – Learning new technologies such as Information and Communication technology will be a great asset for seniors, even though you may not realize this. There are many opportunities to work from home, and also conduct home businesses, if you have good computer skills. It will also help you operate electronics and communication devices that are linked with ICT as well as with new trends such as online shopping or online telecommuting that will help you improve the quality of life greatly. By pursing courses on such fields, you can certainly gain personal growth and retain your independent living a long way through your senior life. A Chance to Socialize - Going back to college will certainly be a great way to socialize. There will be people from various age groups, and from different backgrounds studying together. College atmosphere today is quite different from what it was few decades back and due to globalization, the number of foreign students have increased dramatically. You will find college life and your new friends amazingly diverse. You will surely find people who share similar interests and will befriend you despite your age. Who knows, you may even meet few retirees who has taken the same route back to school after retirement. Mental Health – As we age, our brain cells deteriorate, mainly because our activity levels reduce and there is less stimulation for t he mind. It is very important that seniors keep their mind agile and active with reading, and mentally challenging tasks. Going back to college or pursuing some courses is a great way to keep your intellect ticking and your brain cells working. If you are now convinced why it is a great idea to sign up for a course or apply for college, here some good news. There are many institutions and organisations that offer senior education grants. Many universities are also offering fee waivers for seniors in a bid to encourage their enrolment. Make sure to locate and use these offers and special concessions when you sign up for your new courses. Good luck with your back to school efforts and we hope you surely take up the challenge. Author: Lisa LaCount writes articles courtesy of Active Adult Living.com® the most comprehensive source of information on Senior living communities in the web. You will find over 6900 listings of 55+ communities in this web site. Those interested in locating an ideal 55 communities to relocate and settle down can benefit from the AAL website which provides precise and comprehensive information on various communities across USA. Like Active Adult Living ® Facebook page or follow us on Twitter for alerts and posts on lifestyle, price, type of houses and promotions.
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