Have you ever faced difficulties while cleaning the little crevices of your wristwatch, the jewelries that you love or your precious collection of coins? Well, an ultrasonic cleaner will help you deal with the worries of cleaning such items. What exactly is an ultrasonic cleaner, you ask? In simple words, ultrasonic cleaner is a device that uses ultrasound, sound generated above human hearing level, to clean delicate items. While it is complicated to explain how sound can help in cleaning, a simple understanding is that the waves that are created by the ultrasonic sound forces water to break off each other, resulting in vacuum bubbles. As the size of the vacuum bubbles increases, they create millions of tiny liquid jets. Believe it or not, each bubble is around 5000°C and exerts a pressure of 10000 PSI ideal for effective cleaning action. This process is also known as cavitations. Since, an ultrasonic cleaner does not call for any kind of chemical like detergent to be cleaned with and requires only water, it is also considered as environmentally friendly. There are different types of ultrasonic cleaners and depending on the items you need to clean, you will have to chose the one which is perfect for you. They are used by dentists, in salons and jewelry stores, and even in heavy industries. However, the one that is used by dentists will be much different from the ones used in heavy industries. While the ones used by dentists and salons are small and simpler versions with a heater tank and you have to do the rinsing in a separate sink or container. Whereas, the bigger ones used in industries are more sophisticated with added process tanks, hot air dryers, and one or more rinses. These ultrasonic cleaners usually come with automation, making it simpler to use and lessen the use of labor. The big ones also use immersible ultrasonic transducers which can be installed on the side of the tank or at the bottom. To maximize the effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaners there are some factors that needs to kept in mind. The following are two of the most factors: • Temperature: As we now know, the whole process of how sound can help in cleaning is because of cavitations that water goes through. Therefore, it is important to maximize this process to increase the effectiveness of ultrasonic cleaning. Increase in temperature will inversely minimize the viscosity of water, which in turn will result in better cavitations. Another factor is that the liquid used in cleaning should have the least amount of gas because gas prevents the violent implosions of the bubbles which are needed for the desired ultrasonic effect. The increase in temperature of the liquid results in less amount of gas. • Cleaning Chemical: Although water is enough for ultrasonic cleaning, selected cleaning chemical can be used too. It is important to note that the cleaning chemical to be used should be compatible with the items that you are going to clean. Petroleum cleaners and terpene based semi-aqueous cleaners are compatible with most ultrasonic cleaners. However, the use of non-foaming formulations should be avoided. Looking for the best Ultrasonic Cleaners in town? Click here for more information on the best Ultrasonic Cleaners available in the market.
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