The term hair follicle is described as a section of the covering that grows hair inside the follicles. Sebaceous glands are attached, which are very tiny sebum which produces glands in nearly all parts of the skin except the lips, palms, and sole of the foot. When the hair is very thick, there are more sebaceous glands produced. In addition, the follicle has a bundle which has a very small muscle fibre (arrector pili) which results in the cause of the follicles to be more upright to the skin surface. The follicles can also be caused by the muscle area to stick together above the neighboring skin. This procedure results in goose flesh (goose plumbs). The production of hair is done by the follicle and the arrector under the process known as 'anagen stage.' Structure of the follicles Papaila: papilla is composed of a capillary loop and connective tissue. Papilla cell division is non existent ort very rare. Matrix: matrix hair is around the papilla. The epithelial cell collection mixed often with the color pigment which is referred to as melanocytes. The main function of division of the cell is to form the cells whose outcome is a root sheath which is internal and the hair fiber. The hair matrix's a cell which causes the hair to grow faster. Root sheath: this comprises of internal and external root sheath. The internal sheath comprises of three layers: Huxley's layer, internal layer and Henley's layer. The internal cuticle doesn't stop with the hair fiber of the outer layer. Hair fiber: the hair fiber contains a cuticle which is not stationary, inner medulla, and intermediate cortex. Bulge: this is the root sheath which is external at the point of insertion of the erector muscle, this supplies the hair follicles with cells which are new, and also participate in healing the wound epidermis. Other structures The structures which are not connected to the hair follicle are: apocrine sweat glands, and erector pill muscle. Hair follicle cycling The hair growth depends on many phases. The growth phase is the stage of anagen . The regressive or involution stage is called catagen. Before the start of the of the phase of cycling, of the follicle formation, a shedding phase occurs. The cycle times of Hair growth There is a difference between these phases. the phases' timing are affected by the shapes and the color of the hair. the scalp of anagen takes two to three years while catagen takes two to three weeks. If you would like more information about this article, please visit
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