Just like every field of medicine, dentistry seems to advance every day, and new procedures are constantly becoming available. While not exactly new, inlays and onlays are two corrective cosmetic procedures that are growing in popularity and can now be found at your dental office in Brooklyn. Inlays and onlays restore teeth that are too damaged for a filling but are not bad enough for a crown. Inlays cover the chewing surface of one tooth, while onlays cover the surfaces of several adjoining teeth or the entire surface of one tooth. There are two types of inlays and onlays – direct and indirect. When you get indirect onlays, you will usually have to make two visits to your dentist. During the first appointment, the dentist will prep your teeth and create a mold of the tooth or teeth being treated. He will usually fit you with a temporary filling while he sends the molds to an off-site lab. When the inlays or onlays come in, you will return to your dentist to be fitted with the permanent piece. Direct onlays are less common. During this procedure, a dentist will prep the tooth or teeth and create an inlay or onlay in the office using 3D imaging techniques and other advanced technology. It is all done in one visit. Typically, inlays and onlays are made of one of three materials, and the type you choose is largely determined by budget and aesthetic. Porcelain is the most commonly used material because it so closely matches the appearance of your natural teeth. Gold is the most durable material, but is more expensive and does not blend with your teeth; it is typically used only on back molars. Composite resin is a relatively new material for this procedure, but studies suggest that it is just as long-lasting as porcelain and causes less wear and tear to the adjoining teeth. Your dentist can go over the different types of inlays and onlays in more depth and help you choose the right one for you. In some cases, a tooth may be too far gone for inlays and onlays, and your dentist will opt for a dental crown. However, in cases where either option would work, there are several advantages to inlays and onlays that a traditional crown cannot provide. The biggest advantage is that inlays and onlays allow you to preserve as much of your original tooth as possible. When you get a crown, the original tooth is filed down to a nub. Inlays and onlays, however, are fitted over the majority of the original tooth. They are also extremely durable, match your natural teeth, are very strong, and protect the structure of weak teeth. For more information, visit your dental office in Brooklyn to find out if you are a good fit for inlays or onlays and get on the road to a beautiful, healthy smile. For more information visit : http://www.likesite.org/dental-care/
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