The subject of abortion is a touchy subject for many people. There are several reasons why a female would be interested in getting an abortion. The abortion pill, also referred to as the "morning after pill", becomes an option when a female has unprotected sex. This form of abortion is known as emergency contraception or "EC". The Importance While there are some people who do not support this instance, there are some people who find it essential to have. One major question that arises in this situation is why emergency contraception is important. First and foremost, a female needs to understand that these methods do not and will protect them from sexually transmitted diseases. Emergency contraception is in place and essential for females who have been raped, forced to have intercourse by their husband without using a form of birth control, and those who cannot physically care for a child or financially support a child. Abortion Pills Available As far as abortion pills are concerned, there are three that are available. Emergency contraceptive pills are known as ECPs. The three pills that are available are: • Combined ECPs • Progestin-Only ECPs • ECPs that contain Anti-progtestin Combined ECPS involve estrogen and progestin. Currently in the United States, only the Plan B and the combined ECPs are available. There are newer forms of the Plan B pill that are available that have been proven to be more effective than the previous versions. Many people have heard of the morning after pill and the day after pill. The Plan B pill has also been heard of, but many people are not aware that each of these names are referring to one pill. This popular pill is the Plan B pill. Although this pill has many names, it operates in the same way. Contrary to popular belief, a female does not have to wait until the next morning or later on the next day to consume the pill. The Plan B pill can be taken immediately after unprotected intercourse has taken place. During this time, this pill is the most effective. The longer a female waits to take this pill, the less effective the pill will become. Effectiveness The sooner the abortion pill is consumed, the more effective the results are. In any event, the other factor of effectiveness will depend upon the accurate timing of intercourse and the cycle day. This information is essential because it is used to determine the time of ovulation. Every female's cycle is different. The day the cycle occurs and lasts will vary from female to female. It is important that you gather information about an abortion pill before using it. Abortion Pill. Visit our website for more information Abortion Pills.
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