An empath is a highly sensitive person who can feel the emotional and physical states of people around them. This, of course, can be problematic for the individual while walking through crowds or being around people who are in a negative state of mind. They also have the ability, if they set aside any bias or emotional attachment, to sense truth and the motives of others. Unfortunately, there are many people who are highly empathic and don't realize it. They struggle daily with not only their emotions, but those of everyone around them. Some attempt self-medication with alcohol or drugs, or are prescribed drugs, that compound the issue, by doctors who don't understand the problem. Thankfully, if you're an empath, there are other ways to deal with it. Below are things we've learned, as empaths, that we must do if we want to feel good on a daily basis. 1) Diet is key. You must be careful about how you fuel your body. Sugar and junk food will affect how you feel more so than other people, so it's best to avoid it as much as possible. Also, go easy on fruit sugar and make sure you are getting enough quality protein (not non-fermented, processed soy). 2) Regular exercise makes everyone feel better, and it's especially important for empaths. You don't need to go to a gym to exercise, of course, and a crowded gym might not be the best place for you. 3) Make sure to schedule alone time to recharge; reading or walks in nature are two good ways. Regular solitude is a healing balm to the spiritually sensitive. 4) Be careful of who you allow in your inner circle. Don't try to save toxic people. 5) Meditate daily to clear your mind and calm your energy. There are many ways to meditate. For beginners, we recommend just sitting quietly with your eyes closed, and focusing exclusively on your breathing, a mantra, or counting from one to 500. 6) Burn white sage or use other energy clearing and protection methods to keep your space energetically clean. We've written other articles about helpful psychic protection tricks. The more you use them, and the more faith and confidence you have in your ability to use them, the more effective they will be. 7) Know that you always have access to spiritual help and protection from the other side. We call upon Arch Angel Michael for clearing and protection often, and there's no such thing as asking for too much help of him, or other helpful guides and beings of the Light, or God. 8) When you are feeling down, anxious, or otherwise negative, stop, breath, and ask yourself, "Are these feelings from me or someone else?" even if you are alone, you may be picking up other people's thoughts or energy from many miles away. You have the option to reject outside, negative energy and the right to feel good. Stand your ground and refuse to take on the energy of others. Sometimes you just have to not care. 9) Finally, you need to be aware of the information we've shared previously about spirit attachment and possession, which can be more of a problem for empaths. A weakened energy state, due to various reasons such as excess drinking, drugs, or stress, can inadvertently invite toxic energy in the form of stray souls, entities, or even demonic energy, which can greatly interfere with all areas of your life. It isn't easy maintaining a balanced state of mind as an empath but following these tips will help you feel better. You'll also have more energy to use your empathic ability in positive ways, such as being able to understand others' perspectives acutely well, and offering guidance when appropriate. Copyright © Stephen Petullo, Scott Petullo Free report: 13 Spiritual and New Age Myths and 11 Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Psychic, plus Numerology Decoder Software and more.
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