Blekko is a new-age consumer facing search engine that delivers quality results that are completely free of spams. Lost productivity, wastage of time, frauds, and wastage of resources are some of the harms that spamming can cause. Despite the best efforts of law enforcement agencies and IT companies, this is a scourge that refuses to die down. The risk of being caught is almost negligible and the profit opportunity too great for a spammer. This deters them from using this unscrupulous means of targeting innocent and unsuspecting consumers. A large number of corrupt webmasters make use of spamdexing to improve their website ranking on the World Wide Web and draw the attention of search engines. These unscrupulous websites make use of Black hat search engine optimization techniques to place themselves higher on search engines relevancy list. They stuff their websites with keywords or put popular search keywords on their site to be picked up by search engine crawlers or spiders. Often, they are punished by search engines, if they are found to be indulging in malpractices like keyword stuffing. However, the odds of not being caught are still in favor of websites developers and they are more than willing to take the risk of indulging in such manipulative techniques. The end result is that users are left with websites that contain misleading, worthless, and even dangerous information. Blekko has been taking its war on spam too seriously and since its inception in 2010 has been continuously striving to defeat the malicious intent of spammers. Other large Internet search engines make use of algorithm to source content from different sites on the World Wide Web. This makes the results susceptible to SEO manipulation techniques. These sites to root out spams developed a search algorithm that looks for repeated keywords or other manipulative spamming and spamdexing techniques and excludes them from the results. This, however, did not act as major deterrent due to several loopholes. In fact, this point was emphasized by its CEO Rich Skrenta who has been a vocal critic of Google asserting that the search engine giant’s results more often than not are an amalgamation of low-quality content and commercial spams. This should not come as a surprise to internet search engine users, as dependence on algorithm with no human involvement is bound to prove ineffective in fight against spams. A search engine that wishes to banish spams altogether has to make use of human expertise, usage pattern, and judgment while delivering results. Blekko is a search engine that is here to stay. This is a search engine that was launched with the sole purpose of delivering quality, spam-free results in the most transparent manner. This search engine sources information from only those sites that are renowned for providing quality and relevant information. Blekko's mission is to completely banish spams from its results and protect its consumers from its ill-effects. It is a search engine that prefers quality over quantity and delivers relevant information through a collaborative process. Article Source :-
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