Cutting down a tree, splitting it up into usable logs and then stacking them somewhere out of the elements can be quite an exhausting task, especially if you have to do this on a regular basis to feed your wood heater. Whilst many people see the purchase of a wood splitter as the solution to this problem, as it allow them to cut up logs with ease, some wonder whether an electric model will be able to handle this sort of work. Fortunately, there are a number of advantages associated with the purchase of an electric splitter. • Cost – This is the main reason that most people are attracted to an electric wood splitter in the first place. Compared to their petrol-powered counterparts, these models are much more affordable, both to purchase and to run. Even though electricity costs are on the rise, the cost of petrol is soaring at the moment and anything will be cheaper. • Workload – Whilst an electric splitter is able to cut through most logs with ease, it is definitely better suited to a relatively light workload. This makes it ideal for use around the home when you don’t need to pull it out every second day or use it for hours on end. If you have a much larger workload, on the other hand, it probably won’t be suited. • Time Saving – One of the great things about these splitters is that you won’t have to turn it off when you run out of fuel, as it is plugged into an electrical outlet and has a constant supply. This means that you won’t waste time refueling. It will also save you a lot of time that would otherwise be spent manually cutting up the wood. • Features – These splitters often come fully equipped with a number of features that are designed to make your life easier than ever. Some models, for example, are self-lubricating and self-sustaining, which means that you don’t need to waste time doing these things yourself. Keep in mind, however, that these will affect the price slightly. • Safety – Many people consider electric splitters to be one of the safest options on the market, especially when you consider the risk of cutting wood manually. Even so, you are working with a dangerous piece of equipment and it is important that you are wearing the appropriate safety gear and have read all of the accompanying manuals. • Maintenance – When compared with their petrol-powered counterparts, electric wood splitters require very little maintenance and what they do require can be undertaken with ease. Just make sure that you regularly undertake these simple tasks and you can rest assured that your model will last you for a number of years without issue. At the end of the day, there are a number of advantages associated with using an electric wood splitter over a petrol-powered one, but it is important that you first ensure that you only have a small workload. If you spend a great portion of your time splitting logs, either for firewood or as a part of your job, you will find that a petrol-powered model is much more suited to your needs. This is because they are much more powerful and will be able to withstand being constantly used with very little breaks.
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