As complicated as infertility may get, we may find that it can present no real symptoms that will help clear the condition of a couple who are incapable of conception. When this is the case, doctors may diagnose "unexplained infertility". However, this is not often the case. The majority of causes do not fall on the "catch-all". Thirty percent of which may be duly caused by the female factor while another 30% can be attributed to several male problems. The remaining thirty therefore takes up the unexplained infertility or the combination of both factors. So what truly cause female infertility? For one, we may safely presume that 15% of all female factors is covered under the structural issues. These normally refer to issues that cover the anatomy of the woman. Thus, it may either be a problem on the fallopian tube or the cervix or fibroid may be found in the uterus. Blocked fallopian tube is the result of previous endometriosis or pelvic inflammatory disease. Among these factors may be shared by troubles caused via surgeries or medications. A surgery may lead to the disruption of cervix while DES exposure may affect the woman even while she still was a fetus herself. While surgical intervention may solve the majority of such cases, some women still have to undergo specialized medical procedures and treatments to help solve infertility. Mechanical issues, on the other hand, deal with blockage of the fallopian tube due to the formation of scars. This accounts for some 25% to 40% of all female infertility causes. Thirty percent of female issues may be contributed by ovulation problems. This may either be the product of complete ovulation difficulty or merely the untimely detection of ovulation. Restoration of the ovarian function may be helped with complete evaluation of the cause and eventual medication treatment. Aging is inevitable. But with this comes the problem on infertility. As the woman ages, the quality of her egg cells may decline along with their potency. This condition is normally worse during the age when almost all egg cells were already released. Again, as thirty percent of all problems are either founded on unknown causes or may be the mixture of both the male and female factors, female infertility may simply be attributed to unknown or multi-factorial causes. You see, even with the vast knowledge of medical science, it is still quite uncertain on some of its fields. Javitri Hospital and Test Tube Baby Centre is best place for Surrogacy in India. Surrogacy is the process where woman bears and gives birth either for individuals or couples. Hence, it signals endless celebrations for intended parents who run a proud family.
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