Usage of cameras for security and surveillance purposes came into being silently. Since invention of the wireless and internet, the idea of using cameras for surveillance might have cropped up. But this advent actually redefined the definition and options for security all over the globe. Earlier days it was unimaginable to think of flawless security 24X7 .But these security cameras made everything a possibility as far as security is concerned. A security camera plays a vital role at any institution or building where a 24 hour manual vigilance is not possible or may not be affordable. Simply think of a security camera at your main door of your apartment that shows live image of what’s happening around the lobby or the balcony at your LCD in the drawing room. Doesn’t it make life pretty safe? Theft cases can be curbed down by the installation of security cams around the dubious locations. Night view options of smart cameras these days even locate movements in dark. Any illegal action can be caught on camera and the culprits can be tracked down later. Shopping malls and market places and stores have installed them. These cameras are located at every corner and being used for tracking the activities of the shoppers. As a result a very lesser amount of shoplifting cases is being reported. Security cameras are also installed at banks and ATM counters. They have always helped in prevention or detection of crimes such as robbery at ATM counters, stealing of ATM cards and other kind of thefts. When you want to track a suspicious person’s movements or want to solve criminal cases, the security cameras work just great in giving visual clues. I remember a particular case where a woman was assaulted in a car. She was having drinks with the culprits in bar and later on when they offer her lift back home she accepted. However, in the car she was assaulted. The next day she filed a police complaint and gave the car number to the police officers. They tracked the culprits – but as usual they denied committing the crime and even denied visiting the pub. Later on from the security camera footage the lies of the culprits were nailed. Nowadays security cameras have got smarter with Wi-Fi, FM and Bluetooth connectivity over servers. They have now got huge storage spaces. One SMS from the mobile phone can turn these high tech security cameras anywhere around the world! They can now record in high definition, and can even track a moving object in the dark. Ain’t that amazing?! In a striking way, there are options even for surveillance through satellites. The form factor can also be a big benefit for the users. These are coming in amazingly disguised forms e.g fountain pens, soap boxes, mirrors, pebbles and so many more. The security cameras are seen to be placed in the open and in obvious locations instead of being secretive. This is mostly how a scarecrow works like. The imminent existence of them may curb thoughts of any untoward action by people in the vicinity. To sum up, it’s all about savings in terms of manpower, money, ignominy, social values, and loss of peace and sanctity. Who can ever deny these surveillance cameras recruitment whenever any terrorist or criminal activity shakes up the world? Written by Robert Louis
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