Children’s Day, also known as "June 1 International Children’s Day", is coming soon. Children and baby kids from all over the world are so excited to celebrate it, however, seldom of them know about the origins of it and confuse about how to celebrate it. After World War II, the rest of the world underwent economic recession, people suffered from cold and hunger and thousands of people were out of work. The situation of children were even worse, some had infectious diseases, while others were forced to be child labors. At that time, children suffered torture and lacked of protection of life. Until November 1949, the Women’s International Democratic Federation of directors meeting held in Moscow. China and representatives from other countries angrily exposed crimes of the imperialist killing and poisoning children in all reactionaries countries. In order to protect children’s right to survival, health care and education in countries over the world as well as improve the lives of children, the meeting decided to take annual June 1 as International Children’s Day. Nowadays, high quality of living standards enables children to live a pleasant and peaceful life. Parents and school teachers try their best to help children spend a happy time on June 1. Holding parties, buying gifts like toys and bears, finding coupons for travel in a money saving way, or taking children to eat delicious food etc. Here are some specific tips for your reference. Take the children to your local bookstores and let them choose any books they’d like(though you may have to draw the line somewhere if you are rearing a true bibliophile). Red to your children and have them read to you. Turn off the computer and the television set. Talk to children about what they love to do most-paint, ride horses, play the piano and resolve to help them do as much of it as they want. Let the kids choose the menus for all the day’s meals. Even if it is Spaghetti-O’s, chocolate milkshakes and cherry pie for breakfast, lunch and dinner. One day of imperfect nutrition would not hurt any of you. Spend the whole day doing whatever the kids want to do, whether it is visiting the zoo or the science museum, taking in a ball game, hiking through a nearby park or building a fort in the backyard.
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