When buying a vehicle, there is an important step that a lot of people seem to forget. This important step is the pre purchase inspection. This is absolutely crucial in buying a car and you need to obtain one for any vehicle you purchase! Let me explain a bit more about what a pre purchase inspection is. The term pre purchase inspection itself is fairly self-explanatory. The inspection is done on any vehicle before purchase. This is to ensure that the vehicle is in good shape, and is a good buy for the car buyer. It is also a great way to let the buyer know of any potential problems that the buyer may run into with their car. Most car repair businesses that offer vehicle maintenance services will also offer a pre purchase inspection. So what does a pre purchase inspection include? If you ask this question to a dozen different businesses, you may get slightly different answers. Different businesses may have different ideas on how to inspect a car. However, there are a few common themes that you can expect with your pre purchase inspection. First, the mechanic will check all of the major components of your car. This can include the engine, and transmission. If the car you are potentially going to buy is having engine trouble, a pre purchase inspection should alert you of this. Second, a mechanic will check components like the brakes and battery which need to be replaced through regular use. While you know that these need to be replaced at some point, it's a good idea to know just how soon these items will need to be replaced. If they are going to need to be replaced within a few weeks, you can factor in those costs into trying to lower the purchase price. Third, a mechanic may check for some of the more cosmetic issues such as body damage or evidence that body damage once occurred. This is a great indication of the car having been in a previous wreck. If it had, you may want to avoid the car. Finally, the mechanic may check for past repair work that was performed incorrectly. This can be another indication of potential problems you may encounter in the future, or problems with the car that were never really fixed. Hopefully this has answered some of your questions about pre purchase inspections and what they consist of. As I stated, these pre purchase inspections are an absolute must before you buy a car. And if you bring this up to the seller and they refuse the request, then that in itself will tell you a lot. After all, what do they have to hide? About Author: Browns Plains mechanic, Steve Sorensen Mechanical, provides top quality auto repair and auto pre purchase inspection services at a reasonable price. We can help you decide on your purchase by giving it a thorough check for safety issues and maintenance requirements, providing you with peace of mind. Visit our website at www.stevesorensenmechanical.com.au for more information.
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