Photography is one of the most creative and innovative tasks. People either do it as a hobby or take it as a profession. If you require someone to capture best and creative photographs for you, then you have to head towards a professional photographer who has experience in the style of photography you want. Mentioned below are certain types of photography which you should know: Photojournalistic photography This kind of photography includes capturing photos of facts as they happened or occurred. Such photographs are used to attract readers for stories related to news. Capturing human emotions is very important in this type of photography. It takes years for people to practice such kind of photography and bring to perfection. This field is more accommodating to professionals. However, amateurs can venture and do photojournalism. It is advisable to get formal training if someone wants to practice photojournalism. You have to take pictures as they are, later on you cannot alter those images because it can jeopardize the truth. If you add anything, people can also misinterpret what you are trying to show to them. You have to capture the exact events and emotions. Documentary photography This is somewhat similar to the previous style. The only difference being, in documentary photography the picture/images are meant for historical evidence. Similar to photojournalistic style, this style also needs years to practice. As a documentary photographer, you can document any subject. On the other hand, your topic can vary depending on what you see as interesting or what your demands from you to present. Action photography Within action photography there are various sub styles among which sports photography is the most popular. The professional who is capturing such pictures has to anticipate the next move and get a good shot at the right moment. For example: in cricket matches, photographer have to quickly analyze and anticipate the player’s next move in order capture the next action accurately. Wedding Photography Wedding photography is such a style where a professional can blend in different types of photography to get the optimum results. Wedding photography style also depends as to what the client wants from the photographer. The client can ask for traditional form of photography or photojournalistic, which can be creatively mixed with other styles and can be made more interactive. Wedding photography is also one among the most sought after photography styles. It has such a magical and memorable moment, that you will never see anybody host their wedding without having a photographer present. Unlike other styles, wedding photography can be a lot harder because you cannot control a lot of factors. A wedding is a such an event where you cannot set things up, so you have to be quick on your feet and have a good eye for when to take the right shot. Macro photography This style of photography comprises of taking pictures at a very close range. A proper professional film equipment is essential in order to become a macro photographer. You have to invest in expensive equipments and learn advanced methods to gain expertise in this form of photography. Portrait photography This is one of the most popular and certainly one of the oldest photography type. This type of photography serves to capture the distinctive personality of the subject which has been photographed. Subjects can differ in such kind of photography. It may be humans or animals or even non-living things. The list mentioned above is not exhaustive. One can have many sub types of photography under certain main types. So, one can have expertise in particularly one type or several types as well. Sandeep Katwala is among one of the well known wedding photographers in NYC. He is an expert in professional photography and is among the top CT Wedding Photographers as well. You can contact him at
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