A New Glasgow man defending himself on a charge of possessingDilaudid at the Dartmouth jail called evidence Thursday from adisgraced lawyer who"s already been convicted in the case. Thomas Izzard, 32, asked that Anne Calder be transported toDartmouth provincial court from the federal women"s prison inTruro, where she"s serving a 30-month sentence. Calder was on the stand for almost three hours of questioning byher former client and the federal Crown attorney. The Halifax lawyer, who was handed a five-year disciplinaryresignation by the Nova Scotia Barristers" Society onWednesday, continued to insist in her testimony she didn"tknow there were drugs in a package of contraband tobacco sheslipped to Izzard at the jail July 14, 2009. "I thought it was tobacco," Calder testified during herdirect examination by Izzard. "I obviously trusted you more than I ought to have. I hadenough trust that you wouldn"t do anything that would set meup and would hurt me." Calder said the package, wrapped tightly in cellophane, was one oftwo delivered to her Quinpool Road home office. She said Izzard called and asked her to bring the package to him atthe Central Nova Scotia Correctional Facility, where he was onremand on charges from Antigonish County. She said she didn"t know who sent the parcel to her home andnever suspected it contained anything but tobacco. Calder testified she knew it would be against jail policy to givetobacco to her client but decided to do it anyway. She said she wasunder a lot of stress at the time and felt bad about Izzard stillbeing behind bars because she"d missed a bail hearing. A guard monitoring video surveillance of the interview room sawCalder put something suspicious under a piece of paper and pass itto Izzard. Guards entered the room a few minutes later and removed Izzard. Hewas taken down the hall, where the package was allegedly foundstuffed in his underwear. Calder was charged with trafficking Dilaudid, a painkiller. Aftersearching her home, police also charged her with possessingDilaudid and marijuana for the purpose of trafficking. Last year, a Nova Scotia Supreme Court judge found Calder guilty onall three counts and sentenced her to prison. Calder"s lawyerquickly filed an appeal and she was freed after serving just fivenights in jail. The Nova Scotia Court of Appeal upheld her convictions and sentencein January. Calder can reapply to practise law in 2014, five years after shevoluntarily suspended her practice in 2009. Izzard, who waived his right to solicitor-client privilege when hecalled Calder to testify, must decide whether he"ll take thestand when his trial resumes July 4. "You"re not obligated to testify," Judge Ted Taxexplained Thursday. "It"s an independent decision youhave to make based on your strategy." Izzard replied that right from the start, he"s been leaningtoward testifying in his own defence. "If I"m going to have this trial, I"m going allthe way," he said. ( sbruce@herald.ca ). The e-commerce company in China offers quality products such as Rayon Polyester Fabric Manufacturer , China Cotton Poly Fabric, and more. For more , please visit Cotton Nylon Fabric today!
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