The Best Kind of Fire Protection for Safety by Harry Shawn
The Best Kind of Fire Protection for Safety |
Fires are dangerous. Detecting and controlling fire in early hours not only saves time but also products costing millions of dollars. Fire cannot be controlled by just pouring water over them. There are many systematic ways of suppressing fire as all fire cannot be fought with fire. There are different products and services which fire protection companies have designed to fight fire. There are different reasons as to why fire breaks out. It might be due to electric short circuit, busting of cylinder, reaction of chemicals and fire due to fire crackers and so on. As all fire cannot be controlled with water there are various gases at different pressure are used to extinguish them. Fires caused by chemicals cannot be dealt with water then need to be handled by spraying nitrogen which forms a blanket over the fire preventing its contact with oxygen. The different fire protection systems can be listed according to their uses. There are basically of two kinds one which used water while the other which uses gases. The fire extinguisher mostly uses gases. They are available in various sizes which can be as small as 5 kilos to as large as 75 kilos. The ones which are smaller in size are mostly kept in cars and busses to control fire break out while the larger ones are kept in offices, residential buildings, schools and hospitals. These fire extinguishers have a higher capacity to control fire break out. These can be further divided into DCP cartridge and DCP stored pressure. Some other which use gases like nitrogen and even CO2 are the CO2 gas flooding system. This non conductive inert gas fights fire by reducing the content of oxygen in it. They can be used in different extreme climatic condition and are best for machinery spaces, ship holds and chemical and electrical equipments etc. for dip tanks and oil cellars too there are apt. The clean agent system also runs on gas. It is sprayed and also fights fire in just seconds. It is the best way to fight fire in a clean manner. There is some fire fighting systems which uses water to extinguish fire. Hydrants and water sprays are the most common. The fire fighting systems are the means of fighting fire with hose and pipes and water tank. There are two kinds the external and the internal water sprays. One which is installed in open like in the petrol pumps and road sides while the other which are installed in buildings and houses. Most of the houses and even commercial buildings prefer this system of fire protection . For the best results installation of both gas fighters and water fighters are essential as the loss fire causes are irreplaceable. About author: To find out exactly how works fire fighting system, forfire and safety visit at my website firexuae.com
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