It must be remembered that Boulder divorce contempt is a serious issue that could become a punishable offence. Contempt of court always doesn’t have to be disrespect to courts while you are sitting in the court room. Even if you fail to carry out orders of courts you could be punished with penalties that could amount to jail time and fines. Therefore, in case you are unable to pay for the maintenance of your children you need to take appropriate action to inform courts. In case of maintenance for the kids it is a good idea to contact a Boulder child support lawyer. Whatever is the reason for divorce, often one partner is asked to pay maintenance to the other partner as a part of settlement of many divorce cases. The amount of money so agreed upon or ordered to pay should be paid on a certain day every month. In case the payment is not made on the right date it amounts to Boulder divorce contempt which is a punishable offence. In case the defaulted payment is for child support, the affected partner only has to contact a Boulder child support lawyer in order to institute action against the defaulting partner. Punishment for Boulder divorce contempt could be severe in case the payment has not been made for several months in case of child support payment. Even with bankruptcy there is no way that you could avoid making payment. In case you change employers the long arm of law will follow you wherever you go on finding new employment. Therefore, you must treat it a top priority to pay your obligation on child support. The moment the affected party that has not received the payment on time contacts a Boulder child support lawyer you could be taken to courts to answer for defaulting payment. In case you default on payment of child support your properties also could be lost as liens could be placed on them in case you become an accused of Boulder divorce contempt. Even what you win from gambling or lotteries could be withheld by a court order in case a Boulder child support lawyer institutes action against you in courts as a result of your defaulting child support payment. Your bank accounts could be frozen and your tax refunds also could be withheld. In short, any payment due to you could get affected as a result of divorce contempt. With such a lot of actions that could be taken against you in case of a default in payment it is not a thing of wisdom to default payment of child support or maintenance to be paid to your affected spouse that is being ordered by courts. As such, you must treat making this payment as a prime duty of yours. Also, the payments should be made on time. Long delays of payment could bring in longer jail time. Therefore, the best thing is to make timely payment in order to avoid trouble and to make your own children and ex wife live happily and comfortably. Since Boulder divorce contempt is a serious offence you must make it a point to avoid such a situation by making timely payment. In case you are the partner who is deprived of timely payment you only need to contact a Boulder child support lawyer to institute action against your defaulting ex partner.
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