Restless leg syndrome is a bizarre condition which is not yet fully understood. It can be very frustrating for the sufferer and it can lead to further problems. There are some home remedies for restless leg syndrome which can help you deal with it or put it behind you. Since many aspects of this condition are still a mystery, medical treatment and home remedies might take some trial and error before succeeding. It is believed that it helps a lot to establish a routine in what concerns going to sleep and to respect it. Try to relax and avoid eating right before going to bed. One of the best home remedies for restless leg syndrome implies giving up caffeine. This can do a lot of damage in people who suffer of the restless leg syndrome. Caffeine is not only found in coffee. Some soft drinks and some over the counter drugs can also contain it. Also avoid nicotine and alcohol. Sleep inducing pills are a bad idea also because they only solve the problem for a short time. Relaxation is among the most effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome. It is easier said than done but it can be achieved. In order to go to bed relaxed, take a hot bath and also massage your legs. This has proved to be helpful in many people who couldn’t sleep because of the restless leg syndrome. It is recommended to massage the legs using lavender oil because this enhances relaxation. Heat and cold therapy can also be included among home remedies for restless leg syndrome. Applying hot and cold packs alternatively might provide relief and might end the restless leg syndrome. Use a hot pad and then soak your feet in cold water. You can also soak your feet alternatively in hot and then in cold water. Some doctors believe that iron deficiency can cause the restless leg syndrome. If this is the case, multivitamins or iron supplements can be excellent home remedies for restless leg syndrome. Since folate deficiency can also be responsible with this condition, the best approach would be to take a multivitamin daily in order to prevent various deficiencies. One of the most effective home remedies for restless leg syndrome is to exercise. Don’t exaggerate because it might have the opposite effect, but try to practice some kind of physical activity every day, before going to the bed. Read more Home Remedies for Restless Leg Syndrome. Also know Home Remedies for Diarrhea. Read about Home Remedies for Fever Blisters.
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