The home remedies for jet lag begin with care to sleep well and feel relaxed before the crossing of different time zones. You would feel very relaxed on arrival at your destination. In addition taking care to stretch ones legs and take out ones shoes or slippers would help release feet pressure. The next of the home remedies of jet lag circles around careful planning of the time of arrival at the destination. It is best to plan arrival some time in the late afternoon, so that one could conveniently have a good dinner and then unwind fully before bedtime. Travelling east would call for leaving early in the day, while travelling west would call for leaving a bit later in the day. Benefit from the home remedies for jet lag that require one to be well hydrated and avoid things that dehydrate one. This is due to the fact that airline cabins are considerably dry and hydration with drinking a glass of water every hour to forty-five minutes helps. Drinking fresh and canned fruit juices, valerian tea, and water mixed with a few drops of rosemary oil helps to feel refreshed and good. Being well hydrated with drinking a lot of water and fluids before the flight also proves beneficial. Prevention of dehydrates also proves important and this involves abstaining from alcohol and caffeine drinks just before and on the flight. One needs to realize that inactivity could also promote jet lag symptoms of tiredness and lethargy. Avoiding inactivity could mean moving ones feet, fingers and toes, shifting body positions from time to time and keeping active by walking down the aisles of the plane and doing simple stretching and deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing exercises help a lot to feel relaxed, with stretching exercises complementing it to help feel energized and refreshed. Human body benefits a lot from sunlight and lack of it could cause lethargy, sleepiness and tiredness. It would be great to take the help of home remedies for jet lag that requires spending some time outdoors. This could mean walking in sunlight between flights, at stopovers and when one arrives at the destination. Truly this is the best way to help ones body to get used to the transition. The home remedies for jet lag also rest on diet. This requires not overeating during and before flights. In addition an anti jet lag diet that involves consuming a carbohydrate or protein rich diet for breakfast and lunch helps. This diet helps produce bio chemicals that are usually produced when one is active. It also helps ensure sound sleep during the flight and then to be relaxed and refreshed on arrival at the destination. Showers at extended stopovers forms one of those best home remedies for jet lag that helps not just to relax the muscles and nerves and feel relaxed, but also helps one to feel refreshed and rejuvenated during the rest of the flight journey. It is true that showers have helped one to feel good after long flights. Read more Home Remedies for Jetlag. Also know Home Remedies for Jaw Pain. Read about Home Remedies for Morning Sickness.
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